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Pet Memorial for Purefoods the Dachshund Dog | Pet Loss Resources |
Pet Memorials

Purefoods the Dachshund Dog

Published on Jan 1st, 2008

By Bing (Michigan)

All owners find their dogs intelligent and affectionate. My daschund- which we named Purefoods because that is the name of a local brand of hotdog - this advanced animal evidenced behaviors and gestures that are above the animal kingdom. Purefoods would favor the music of Enya and would fall asleep in front of the speakers when Enya music played. This dog was amazingly ferocious to cats, large toads, snakes, birds, mice, and any other pests that encroached upon the family's house and lot. He also successfully drove away at least one burglar in the middle of the night. This was a fierce daschund.

And yet Purfoods sheathed his sword when he socially interacted with us family members. He was, in fact, very affectionate, and very carful not to harm us in the slightest. For instance, when giving him food by hand, he would always very gingerly bite the food in such a way as to avoid nipping any of our fingers. If he saw us eating something, he trusted us and ate it. If we had guests, he would stand ready to repel borders, but once we showed him they were our friends, he turned on his friendly, sociable self again. His intelligence was so great that nobody could figure out who had taught him to do various tricks. I believe he simply taught himself.

When he was sick at the vet's office, he insisted on watching the intravenous needle be put into his paw. He did not resist. He just grunted in two or three places before they found a good place to stick the needle in. He clearly made the discovery that the vet was there to help him even if the treatments might involve temporary painful injections. For the rest of his life, when the vet came to the house, Purefoods ran to meet him in a friendly way and just stood quietly while the vet gave him an injection. The vet said he was the only dog he ever knew who did not have to be restrained. Purefoods understood the pain of the injection was necessary to help him get well; he also understood that showers and baths were good things. He would stand perfectly still and cooperate being bathed and when it was all over, he would delay shaking off the water until he could run to the garden so that he would not wet anyone.

His athletic abilities in snagging birds in mid-air and in fighting off large cats bigger than he were truly impressive. Purefoods love does and was affectionate to the very end. I am forced to the conclusion that he was a better person than many human beings I know. I honestly would not be surprised if his existence in some form will continue and develop further in whatever other dimensions exist.