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Pet Memorial for Prissy the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Dog | Pet Loss Resources |
Pet Memorials

Prissy the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Dog

Published on Jan 1st, 2008

By Stacey (Location Unknown)

Prissy and I grew up together. I got her when I was only 7 years old. At the time I was a very lonely child and had few friends. She was the light in a life that had been rather dark for a while. She was my best and sometimes only friend. I remember so many wonderful things about her. She had the most soulful eyes. You could tell that when you were sad she knew and she would comfort you. Many times I would sit crying and she would walk up to me with the most sympathetic eyes and lay her head on my lap. She was so very kind and loving. For a few of her birthdays I would give her a "birthday party" with just me and her. I doted on her and would have "photo sessions" where I would dress her up and even put makeup on her and play photographer. Poor thing would just do as I wanted. She was so sweet. Through the years as I grew up I naturally went out more and did more with other people. As I look back I know I did not show her as much love the last few years of her life because I was caught up in my own life. The last few months of her life Prissy's age really started to show more and more. She would hardly eat and would lie around all of the time. The day she passed away I was at work and my mother came to tell me that she was at the vet and that she had terminal cancer. She was too far gone to operate and the vet would have no choice but to uthenize her. All of the memories and feelings for her came rushing back full force and I insisted on being there when she died. I left work and went to the vet. She laid so sad and quiet on a table. So frail but still she had those soulful eyes on me so full of love. I knew that as much as it would hurt I owed it to her to be there when she died. All the years she had comforted me and been my best friend had led to this one final moment. She needed me more that ever and I was not about to leave her. The vet injected her and as she lay dying I held her as gently as I could telling her for the final time how much I loved her and thanking her for being my best friend. We buried her in our back yard where she and I had played so many times. I placed a wooden cross I made on her grave along with a single rose. I cried hysterically that night looking at her photos and reminiscing of all our years together. It has been years since she passed and I still love her as much as ever. I got a new puppy recently and strangely enough he has those same "soulful eyes". I can't help but wonder sometimes if he was sent to me from Prissy as a gift because she knew I needed her still so very much.