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Pet Memorial for Pooh-chan the Hamster | Pet Loss Resources |
Pet Memorials

Pooh-chan the Hamster

Published on Jan 1st, 2008

By Kristena Kitabayashi (Location Unknown)

My Dearest Precious Baby, Pooh-chan passed away on Saturday 20 September 2003 at 7.30am. It came as a shock to us when she felt seriously ill. Despite two trips to the vet with around the clock nursing, she didn't pull through. I feel really sad and couldn't believe she's gone. I feel guilty and always think that maybe she would have live a little longer if I had been more observant about her health-being. But she was always so cute and whenever I called her, she would run out of her little house. She never resists when I held her but if any outsiders do that, she would bite them. Before she became sick, she was getting out of her house lesser. I placed her in a box and placed her favorite food and bedding before giving her a proper burial. The house now seems so empty without her and this has left a hole in my heart. I feel the pain for losing a wonderful companion who always lift my spirits whenever I was feeling down. She'll always be dearly missed and loved by us.

Rest in peace little one, you'll always be my little baby.