what i need…HELP PLEASE

Home Community Horses & Riding what i need…HELP PLEASE

This topic contains 8 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  horse_lovin_cowgal 19 years, 8 months ago.

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    ;D hi… my trainer said that i can start showing with her school horses when i take a few more lessons can someone tell me what i need to get for showing such as clothes…i will be doing jumping and please tell me what the judges look for etc.will they take off points if i dont have corrct clothing on?


    You should have a nice riding jacket, A helmet with a black felt covering, Long black riding boots, Breechers, & a tie with a collared shirt.



    thanks alot! i really need it! c ya



    Well I think you need some nice boots and jacket to go with them. Good luck!! 😮



    What kind of "jumping" show? Like, Jumpers or Hunters? In Jumpers you should wear clean beige or olive breeches/jods, tall black boots or short brown or black paddock boots with garders (depending on your age), gloves, a belt and a nice, clean, polo shirt. You should have a black velvet helmet or a helmet cover to put over your helmet and your hair should be neatly tucked up into a hairnet. In Hunters: 13 years and under: -Beige or olive Jods. -Black or Brown Paddock Boots -Garders -Belt -Show Blouse -Show Jacket (conservative colors such as Navy, Hunter, Gray and Brown work best) -Either a stockpin or a monogrammed collar -Hair in two braids with bows -Velvet Helmet -Gloves Over 13 years old: -Beige or olive Breeches -Black Tall Boots -Belt -Show Blouse -Show Jacket (same colors as 13 and under) -Stockpin or monogrammed collar -Hair in a hairnet under your helmet -Velvet Helmet -Gloves You may also wear a GPA type helmet in Hunters and Jumpers, it does not have to be velvet.



    thank you very much!!!unfortinatly,i will not be showing soon,due to my mom takeing away my lessons!!!grrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I was about to explain, but it looks like the JUMPER over there 😉 decided to take over!



    lol..thanx anywayz


    when will you be getting lessons back?

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