Home Community People & Their Pets PETA Re: PETA



Hi DumplinsMommy, I sent DreamHunter the following msg:
Dream Hunter, you obviously boast your name, and you don’t fool me when you say you do pet rescues; your way of a pet rescue is shooting them to put them out of their misery. Any other person would have drove the 20 minutes to the vets office in hopes they could save the animal, and give it a second chance to life. Even if money was an issue, I’m sure the vet would help it. You sound very gun happy to me, maybe even a little bit obsessed about death- what are you doing watching PETA videos, and browzing animal sites? How did you find this site? This site is about pets, and all your picture shows are your two hunting dogs. Maybe your whole life growing up was hunting, but maybe you need to expand your mind a little, just reverse the situation. If you were hit by a car, would you want someone to drive you to the hospital or them to shoot you in the head?
We would all think he’s a good person, but after his first sinister remark about, how he thinks PETA stands for "People Eating Tasty Animals", then tries to show how he’s such a "good person" by shooting animals so freely, to put them out of their misery, he doesn’t fool me. Just like he says, "he doesn’t waste game", that means his priority is selfish- to eat it!