I’m on my soapbox again…….

Home Community Dogs I’m on my soapbox again…….

This topic contains 19 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Stephanie 16 years, 7 months ago.

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    So, I ride by a house everyday….LARGE backyard, LARGE front yard…..with about a….say……a 8×8 kennel waaaaay in the back, by the lawnmower and, "stuff"…with what appears to be a Boxer—-tail between his legs, moping—looks miserable—just starring outside.
    Just because you feed and water an animal, that means it has a good life??? HARDLY.
    Let me guess…he’d, "run off" if let out…..heck, SO WOULD I!!!
    Any, any, any dog is what YOU make it.
    What makes people like this even WANT an animal….a dog that they don’t play with…don’t interact with….
    HOW SELFISH. Find this animal a HOME—a place where he is WELCOME and wanted and loved…protected.
    I just hate people sometimes. 🙁
    Seems like this day and age, people would know better….but heck…people don’t even take care of their KIDS..much less the dog…..yet this dog, this poor, pitiful, "outsider" will continue to be faithful—as they ALL ARE—to this dispicable family.



    Horrible. Have you thought about doing anything? Our neighbors have the coolest cat but he is so mistreated, outside all the time and covered in matted fur that is painful when you touch it. I do not have any idea why these people bother with pets.



    I know exactly where you coming from on this subject….gosh how I feel the same way and it breaks my heart to see stuff like that…..I bet if you went over and got the dog and replaced it with a ceramic or stuffed dog they wouldn’t even know the difference for a week……a ceramic dog is all they deserve….they really don’t want one to play with and love just to have one to say they have a dog….and some people put them so far away from the house they look like their in the next county…….really ashame, animals deserve better…..Take Care, Suebee



    Theres this one guy in my neighborhood who unleashed a terrible force of stray cats upon us….maybe thats a little dramatic but still a couple of years ago this guy had like 5 or more cats, he let them outside all the time and well know everywhere you turn theres a stray cat somewhere. It’s sad because you see all these pregnant cats all at the sam time it seems and then later on theres all these cute little kittens and you cant do anything because they wont let you near them.



    Sounds like you could use a good trap/fix/release program…there are massive cat colonies around here too..



    Ugh… my Grandmother did the same thing. She started with two and before anyone could make her do anything about it, she had 21. Her neighbors complained about the cats climbing on their cars, so she did her best to keep them all inside. Terrible situation for her to have been in. My step Grandfather was finally able to convince her to re-home ALL of the cats (after they were married), because they were wild and hazardous to her health.
    My husbands mom, she has set up her own little trap & release program. My in laws live up near the lake in the "woods", so all kinds of strays find their way to their door. She’ll feed them and they’ll trap as many as they can and take the females into the SPCA to have them spayed. I think total in the last year, she’s taken 8 cats in to be spayed. She’ll re-home the ones that she can, but most are too wild and only come out of hiding to be fed. They just had a female turn up that was pregnant, and had her kittens under their porch. Mom is working on trying to trap her now, and the kittens won’t be far behind. They’re eating solids now, so they don’t need their mothers milk. Fingers crossed that she doesn’t turn up pregnant again before they can get her in to have her fixed. 🙂



    I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU…I hate it when people do poor animals this way. They only want to be "bothered" with them when THEY want to. People should not have animals if they are not allowed to run and play and be free to a certain extent. We have some neighbors across the county road from us who have 2 large dogs and they are always in a pen. A SMALL pen. It’s just horrible. And don’t EVEN let me see someone hitting an animal. I will turn them in to the authorities in a heartbeat.
    Hey, I’ll get up there on the soapbox with you. People have no right to have animals if they are simply going to keep them caged up. It’s a shame that there are not laws that protect animals from being caged up like that.



    "People have no right to have animals if they are simply going to keep them caged up. It’s a shame that there are not laws that protect animals from being caged up like that." Hear that bird lovers, imagine have wings to fly and you cant…



    Ah, yes ROTTI…couldn’t agree more.
    To have such magnificant ability and to have it taken away only to see the sky behind bars—shame, shame, shame.
    I rescued and rehabilitated a wild bird a few weeks ago—what a feeling to let it go and watch it go home—to the big, blue sky.



    unfortunately, there are many, many states & municipalities that have no cruelty laws of any kind. there are some that only cover horses or livestock. some for dogs don’t even require vet care or proper shelter.
    you would need to research the area in which you live to find out if any laws exist that cover your complaints. keeping a record of dates etc is helpful & pictures are great.
    there is an enormous amount of info & help available on "dogs deserve better". if they have a rep in the area, they will send them out to talk to the owner. if not – perhaps you can volunteer for them



    Hi all unfortunately the animal shelters don’t always stepup to the plate like they should, I have a neighbor who hits his dog and I have repeatedly called the humane society to report him but they continously tell me that unless there are signs of physical abuse they cannot do anything. I myself feed 6 ferrels outside and 2 weeks ago a car drove up around 1:30am and dropped two kittens in our parking lot where I live. I get off work at midnight so I’m home by 12:45 and before I go in I feed the cats, then I come back out around 1:30 or so to pickup their dishes and that’s when I saw this lady drive up and open her car door and dump out the kitties. I yelled at her but she just ignored me and drove off. I have picked up more cats and had them spayed or neutered but they still keep coming. All 3 of my cats have been ferrels two I had for 7 years and they have just within this year died of cancer, but once they came in they stayed in. No in and out privelges. Many others I have found homes for so now I’m looking to pickup this little and find her a home she is a yellow cat with green eyes, so beautiful. My neighbor parks her van in my parking stall because it is a private stall big enough for 2 cars, I let her do this because she leaves her van door open just enough for the cats to get in out of the rain and the cold during winter months, she just puts lots of pillow and blankets and keeps it very clean, othewise I wouldn’t let her park there. So at least they are warm for the winter, but I do get tired of seeing people dump their cats in our complex, one would think we are the humane society.



    Those are the requirements..period. So I see nothing really that I can do about it…..other than taking the dog….err…did I say that out loud??? lol
    I am familiar with Dogs Deserve Better-I actually have their car magnet on my car….I also carry their brochures and tape them on mailboxes for(hopefully) eduacational purposes…
    No reps in our area-and I have considered being a rep for them but I feel like I’m already pushing myself too far with…..volunteering already….I suffer burnout many days now….
    It’s just bad here…heck, it’s bad everyere…I’m amazed daily at the pure ignorance when it comes to animals….a huge rott up the road-has shelter (doghouse), food and water…and chained to the doghouse 24/7….he’s worn a path around the front of his house…just pacing all day…has MAYBE 10 feet to walk…..what a life….what a miserable existence….and what ashame.
    I wish I could help save them all….it’s so overwheming-the little that I can do and then I just look around and see more and more and more. At times I want to give up but I look in the eyes of MY babies, all rescues….and I remember how pitiful they all were…. so I go on for another day.
    Rescue is physically, emotionally and MONETARILY draining….that’s for sure….but we have to do it, don’t we? We ALL can’t just wait for someone else to…isn’t that why we are in the mess we are now?
    Tigger-rescue—-old lady couldn’t care for him
    Blackie–rescue on Halloween–people are so cruel
    George—lost his mother too early
    Jesse-neglected, abused, Parvo, on death row at the pound and deemed unadoptable
    ANGEL—-abandoned, hit and run by a car, about to be put down-now rehabilitated and ready for a forever home.
    These are the things that keep me going.

    Click on any picture to see full size:



    ..and ANGEL…

    Click on any picture to see full size:



    I spelled EDUCATION wrong! LMAO



    "I have a neighbor who hits his dog and I have repeatedly called the humane society to report him but they continously tell me that unless there are signs of physical abuse they cannot do anything."
    Adriean do you have a video camara? If no please borrow or even rent one. Get the guy hitting his dog on video. Theres the evidence…Do it for the dog…

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