I’m on my soapbox again…….

Home Community Dogs I’m on my soapbox again…….

This topic contains 19 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Stephanie 16 years, 7 months ago.

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    You depress me…



    Rottie, it is very depressing isn’t it? But these are the things that rescuers face every day. People simply don’t care… and then there are those of us who are left to "clean up the mess." I don’t say that to imply that I don’t enjoy rescuing animals, but it does break my heart and piss me off that there are so many irresponsible and cold hearted people in this world who see animals as "disposable things" or possessions that can be "forgotten".
    It’d be nice if we could find a way to truly get through to everyone, about the responsibilities of having pets, and the problems that carelessness create. 🙁



    DTiger, yes it is depressing, but there are ways to get through to certain people…there are laws on the books, if everyone would stop looking the other way we could start heavily enforcing those laws. My .02 anyway…
    DT long time no see????



    thats sad because they didnt do anything but love their owner its…JUST WRONG TO LET IT GET HURT they should take to a vet if they dont want it then they give it to some who wants a dog

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    I drove by today an they have ANOTHER DOG! Another one in the same pen—with the same miserable look on their face….plus they’ve started storing crap inside the pen too….so they have even LESS room.
    WHY, WHY, WHY do people like this WANT ANIMALS? I have not ONCE seen anyone interact with these dogs at all…….would be like you and someone else living in your CLOSET everyday..ALL day..for the REST OF YOUR MISERABLE EXISTANCE…eating there…pooping there…what a fun life….like PRISON.
    Gah….I just want to choke people….err…..FOOLS like this. Grrrrr.

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