Ever Used PetFinder? I’m a little concerned..

Home Community Pet Adoption Ever Used PetFinder? I’m a little concerned..

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    She’s just a happy dog-plain and simple—-shown absolutely no signs of aggression—just love and tail constantly wagging.
    She’s healing great–and so fast! I was lookng at her, "bad" leg last night–the one with the gashes and thought I had the WRONG LEG! lol
    She’s putting a LITTLE weight on the broken leg. I have to take her back to the vet today for a checkup-she may not even need more antibiotics at this point.
    I live on a cul-de-sac. She stays right at my feet when we walk—I quit using the leash because she’s so well-behaved….though when she’s bigger and back on all 4 legs, I’m sure that will be a different story.
    My ad still isn’t showing on PetFInder….maybe they take a break on the weekends??? Dunno.



    people that want the pet shipped are scammers,but i have great succes at adopting out cats,and dogs thru petfinder,i usually put in my ad no scammers need apply,and they will be to a minimum



    I had my bloodhoumd shipped from missourri via air.I paid 250 dollars extra also.



    Wow-there sure are a lot of scammers on PetFInder…..I’m sure it’s not limited to PetFInder…you all should see some of these emails.
    Our shelter uses PetFinder with great success—I guess since I’m listing in the classifieds as an individual, that makes me a target… 🙁



    I purchased this little guy on petfinders from the east coast to here in Ca. The breeder asked me to provide a vets number she could call as a reference. If no vet available for ref hang up the phone. You should pay the amount it takes to add a pic then charge that much for the dog. A price (even small) usually weeds out the scammers.

    Click on any picture to see full size:



    Don’t get me wrong, I completely understand your concerns with adopting this dog out. I just wanted to add that I know about pet shipping and I am NOT a breeder. I think it may sound a bit foolish to generalize applicants like that. I don’t understand how a scam would work through adoption but I am sure it exists. I have to speak up for the real applicants here, that is a big step for some of those people, so i think getting back to them on the status of their application is only responsible. To pull an add and then put another one back up is kind of weird. I am a bit taken back by how some run their adoptions on there anyhow. My family has used this recently ( my mother) and was given the cold shoulder about a certain dog for upwards of 3 months. There was a need to for her to travel and get the dog in another state, which she was ready to do, and also come to find out the place she sent the application did not even have the dog or know the dog. (nor would they get back to her) Long story short she was able to get the dog but only after being treated like she was some kind of scam too. My mother is anything but a scam, and her personal character would blow most out of the water. Now her and her doggie could not be more in love with one another. So, those experiences are what left a bad taste in my mouth regarding this organization. I know you will have a great home for this little thing, but just try to be very careful at who you think is ‘weird’ and who is just a downright scam. I still like to think that most people on there are really animal lovers just looking for something to love and give a good home. I would deffinitely ask for some monetary amount to put off someone just looking for a freebie. JMO



    …yes, but you aren’t the one receiving the strange emails.
    I took the ad OFF because it can’t be EDITED-you have to remove it and put it back on…nothing strange about that.
    Besides, I’m just going through my shelter to find her a home–obviously the best way to go about it-I see that now.
    And you MUST charge a fee-Petfind will not post a FREE TO GOOD HOME ad.



    I agree that the e-mails that are strange would probably feel pretty odd. It is a weird world out there. In case you have any that are not scams, i would try to contact the people to keep them from thinking every day until they hear if maybe they will be picked to take the dog, you know what I am saying? I kind of felt bad about how I put the post I made last night, i think you maybe caught me at a moment when I said things harsher than need be. So sorry for coming across that way, I just have a feeling that there are a lot of petfinder people who are up on a high horse about who they are like they might actually have something on the person applying for an animal.



    lol Things do tend to come across differently when it’s typed!
    Everyone that has emailed me wants to ship and I plainly stated in my ad that I would NOT ship, period-no to waste my time and yours. At our shelter we have people travel every weekend to, "meet" their perspective pets. I strongly agree that potential adopters and pets should always meet to make sure they are a match—because MANY times, they AREN’T. I don’t just want to ship her-people can be anything thy want to be on the internet—-I owe it to her to make a good decision—her life depends on it. 🙂
    I’m getting her spayed this week and after that I will take her to our shelter so that she can find her forever home—that makes me most comfortable.



    While it is a no-brainer we live in a pretty F-up’ped world, I think that maybe you are to parinod to be assuming the responsibility to deal with such a situation?



    I take offense to that-I find homes for dogs everyday-but not sing this method—maybe YOU’RE too trusting—–I CARE what happens to my animals.



    I think what you are doing is noble and not at all paraniod. You are asking and talking about it. That is how you learn things. god bless you for helping a pet that some other human screwed up. The thing you have to remember is this, when you are doing something good, there is always someone that will come out to say you are screwed up. That is just hypnotism of the world and it is meant to stop you. Laugh at it and realise it for what it is. The mind of man trying to rebuild the garden of eden. So laugh at that dumb remark, because you know and I know: you have found the secret, it is right there inside you and it is telling you to do good things. No one can fool you because you know who you really are, don’t you ! You are nearer to heaven than most, see it !!!!! Respond with laughter, why give your pearls to swine, laugh long and laugh hard,fools are quite funny if you stop and think about it. In fact I am laughing my ass off right now. They cant fool you, truth is truth and nothing can really stand against it. All love to you good lady.
    PS two pics of my dogs that I adopted from petfinder.

    Click on any picture to see full size:



    sbond007 the post was not meant to affend but to open your eyes to the theory that you might be stressing yourself. Its the picture I got! Other then that anytime someone takes an animal and finds it a home it is a good thing, many have done it before you (including I) and many will do it for us when were gone. Kodos for you doing this for this dog, maybe I could have/ should have worded it differently. Sorry bout that…
    But still I cant see how someone could take it as far as sandyhand did or whatever the name was.



    Wow, what a case of cateracts on that poor dog, could almost be considered cruelty to animals given the fact that theres been a procedure in place for decades to address such a situation? hmm, "poor people owning dogs" comes to mind and I believe the name of another thread/discussion? I see this as so much more an issue then the ones I read many times over on here by those with large noses…



    The rescues I work with use Petfinder very sucessfully. I would encourage you to contact a rescue group (breed specific might be best). Many of them will do a courtesy posting for you. I do know that before any dog is adopted from either of my rescues they do reference checks – personal and vet, a home visit and interview with the potential adopter and both have travel restrictions as to how and how far a dog can travel. Rescues are also good at networking and doing homevisits for each other as well as transporting for each other. Find a sympathetic rescue person and "pick their brain". Good luck! It sounds like Angel is lucky to have found you!!

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