Am I Wrong? – How Do I Explain To Them?

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    I’m looking for advise from knowledgeable breeders. I no absolutely nothing about breeding dogs, I don’t do it and I don’t plan to. I have HEARD however, that inbreeding is a common and widely accepted practice among breeders, as their "goal" is to strengthen certain traits. I have also read that it takes YEARS and GENERATIONS of inbreeding to reach desired results. I don’t know how much of what that I’ve heard and read is true, but I am greatly concerned about this practice and what the truth in the matter is. You see, I am part of a rescue organization (newly formed) and at this moment the members are discussing taking in a litter of pups that are being offered for FREE on a yahoo group page. I don’t feel that breed should matter, but I will tell you anyway… these are Pit Bull puppies. Now the story on this litter, or what I know of it, is that this is a mother/son breeding. I don’t believe that the people who allowed these animals to breed had ANY intention to improve any trait, or they would not be offering them for FREE. My concern is, and I’ve tried voicing this to the best of my ability… if we take these pups and place them for adoption, we don’t know what we’re placing. Temperament wise nor health wise, I strongly feel that this would be a major liability to our organization. My opinion is that these pups should be humanely put down, because this is a breed that faces terrible discrimination/judgment, among other things, throughout the world and that only stellar dogs should be pulled / accepted into the rescue. My question(s) to you are: Am I wrong? If what I believe I understand is correct, how do I explain what *could* be the outcome of a mother/son breeding and why we should not even consider taking these pups?



    From what I’ve seen about Pit Bulls some are actually sweet dogs. I know that because a neighbor has one that I feed everyday,he’s an irresponsible owner that cares nothing about this poor dog and I can’t stand to go out and feed my own dogs and not give her anything she also has a litter of 13 puppies that are following her up here every morning and evening. I end up putting them in the car and driving them back home. I told the guy I’ll try to help him find homes for them and took him down some puppy food, I also put out flyers at a grocery store, vets office and Wal Mart and also on our local Freecycle.
    I hate that this guy (sorry to say he’s been a friend of ours for over 30 yrs) does NOTHING for them. I put out food this morning and they acted like pirahnas they were so hungry,so I’m in a no win situation. I hate it that now I am in the position that probably will end up at the dog pound and euthanized because of his actions and now my concious will be the one they will be on when they are put down,but what I"m getting at are these puppies also are from mother/son/and every other dog where I live. I wish there was a rescue group here that would take them in and give them a chance.I am going to pay to get the mother dog spayed, the owner told us last time she had puppies he was going to have it done but of course that was empty words,this time I’m not waiting on him. I told him we were and he didn’t care if we did or not. Inbred or not I still want them to have a home.



    See, I’m torn as to whether or not we should take pups like this. On one hand we never really know what we’re getting when we pull from shelters. I mean, we test the dogs to make sure they’re temperament is sound. But we don’t know how they’ve been bred unless they were owner turn ins and the owners were honest about their history, which is more than likely not going to happen. But, on the other hand, I would think that adopting pups with knowledge of inbreeding would be a liability. What if in a few months the pups start showing signs of mental retardation, or heaven forbid something is physically wrong and doesn’t show up for a year of two? I know though, that these pups need to be saved from the hands of people who might abuse/neglect, fight or use them as bait dogs. So this is my thinking on this issue now. I’d rather us take them and then if the do show signs of any physical or mental "side effects" from their breeding, we can have them humanely euthanized. I’d much rather that, than for them to end up in the hands of the wrong person. See… torn.



    I know exactly where your coming from on this….thats the way I feel about these little puppies too. I didn’t put on the flyers they were part Pits….I don’t want them in the hands of people like you mentioned, they will use them as bait or for fighting…that really worries me too…
    maybe you could take them in a watch them for a little while to see how the’re going to act….I really don’t know the answer either…Why can’t people just be responsible and have their animals spayed and neutered!!!…I am one of these people animals in need just find me….Good luck on whatever decision you make on this wish I could be of some help…hey you want 13 puppies?…..just kidding…..Suebee



    Sorry to have left this thread hanging. We’ve been really busy around here the last couple of weeks. And suebee lol, NO! I don’t want 13 puppies. :p Okay, update… we went ahead and took the pups (better we take them than to let them end up in the wrong hands). So far no health problems, temperaments seem to be stable (as best as anyone can tell with a pup) and 2 of them have been adopted (still in our care as they have to be sputered before we will release them). And the adoption of puppies isn’t complete until they’ve reached 1 yr of age, and we go back and temp test them again. They MUST be stable or we will have them euthanized. This is all in our contract. I haven’t met them myself, but I do have pictures of them if anyone would like to see… look at the slide show on my profile (myspace). I feel like such a "pit bull Nazi" because we have such a hardcore adoption application/process. Can’t be too careful with these dogs though… don’t want them getting into the wrong hands. Anyway, thanks for the advice y’all… it is very much appreciated. 🙂

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