FPV urinary tract issues and aggression

Home Community Cats Health FPV urinary tract issues and aggression

This topic contains 0 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Samantha 9 years ago.

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    Gandalf my rescued 5 yr neutered male has a lot of issues and I simply cannot afford the vet bills anymore. He was treated for feline peritonitis virus very young and all was good until I had him shaved which was traumatic for him and gained weight, he now weighs 8.5kg and gets urine infections often so it’s been difficult and expensive trying to manage these two conditions. His aggression is getting worse, two vets had to get stitches and he attacks my calf drawing blood on not letting go Quite often. I got toys, climbing shelves, no luck. I then rescued another cat thinking he needs a play mate but as it turns out she is timid and abused and naturally terrified of him, I get scared of him too, he’s big and not only fat. I can’t tell if he plays with her or if it’s malicious. Then on the odd occasion he demands to suckle my ear. He has had 3 serious surgeries as he gets into fights and abscess forms, the last time he almost lost his tail. I love him dearly,he’s been my companion for 5 years but I am at a loss of what to do and am seriously considering having him euthanized. I tried to get pet medical aid but was declined because he has FPV. Any advice would help please. Thank you

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