Rummaging in garbage

Home Community Senior Dogs Rummaging in garbage

This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Lisa 11 years, 5 months ago.

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    Until recently, our dog has been the very model of good behavior. However, he has just started getting into the kitchen garbage & pulling out all the paper/greasy & dirty stuff & we come home to find it strewn all over the floor. Charlie is almost ten & in good health otherwise. Please help recommend possible modifications, etc. to stop this. We’d prefer not to regress to his kennel if possible.
    Thanks, Linda



    The kennel is the best option.
    Your dog is aging and senility could start to set in so there is no telling what mischief he could get into.
    Frankly, no dog should be loose when unsupervised. Too many things can go wrong.
    If you really don’t want to kennel him, then you need to move the garbage.
    Every time you leave the house, lock the trash can in the garage, basement or some place where he has no access. He can’t strew it around the house if he can’t get his mouth on it.
    At first this will be a pain in the rump but over time it will just become part of your daily routine.
    Whenever you want your pet to leave something alone, the surest option is to deny access to that item.
    At your dog’s age he is unlikely to be retrained to ignore the trash, especially since this is a new behavior.
    Good luck, hope I’ve said something useful.

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