Can macaws eat meat?

Home Community Birds Can macaws eat meat?

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    I am aware that military macaws do not eat meat but what about the others. I am mostly interested in Blue and gold or blue and yellow macaws. Also can African greys eat meat and other parrots. What soet of meat should they be fed if any, can they have pork and beef (unsalted)? Chicken? Insects? I have read that in the wild they will eat reptiles (the site was not very good though) is this true? Could they "chew" bones (chicken bones or any others) Any help would be greatfully recevived thankyou.


    Not sure about Macaws or African greys, but we were told to make sure our Blue-fronted Amazon got protein — in the form of anything from eggs to dog food! We feed our little guy chicken mostly. He likes beef, but I rarely give him that, although sometimes a little ground beef on spaghetti. He does not seem to like pork in any form (ham, bacon etc.) I usually whip him up some scrambled eggs twice a week, and he’s happy! As far as bones, I don’t think you’re supposed to give ANY animal chicken bones, from what I understand (they splinter and can get caught in the throat).


    Not sure about Macaws or African greys, but we were told to make sure our Blue-fronted Amazon got protein — in the form of anything from eggs to dog food! We feed our little guy chicken mostly. He likes beef, but I rarely give him that, although sometimes a little ground beef on spaghetti. He does not seem to like pork in any form (ham, bacon etc.) I usually whip him up some scrambled eggs twice a week, and he’s happy! As far as bones, I don’t think you’re supposed to give ANY animal chicken bones, from what I understand (they splinter and can get caught in the throat).



    Thanks for youe reply. I didn’t really think about the chicken bones splintering (I don’t know why, it totaly skipped my mind). I am giving the macaw crickets or mealworms (or waxworms if he will take them) and other cooked meat (he seems to love pork). As for the african greys some times they love it other times they look at you stupid like they are saying "where the hell is my sunflower seed! What on earth is this!" (But that is just my interpritation(haha)). They seem to love chicken best and the female will take a mealworm but she drops it without eating any and the male just trys to eat my fingers instead, but ignors mealworms (or other live food) when his friend gives it to him (he doesn’t like me and always puffs up his feathers when I stroke the female (they are in different cages and try to attack each other if the cages get too close).



    Thanks for youe reply. I didn’t really think about the chicken bones splintering (I don’t know why, it totaly skipped my mind). I am giving the macaw crickets or mealworms (or waxworms if he will take them) and other cooked meat (he seems to love pork). As for the african greys some times they love it other times they look at you stupid like they are saying "where the hell is my sunflower seed! What on earth is this!" (But that is just my interpritation(haha)). They seem to love chicken best and the female will take a mealworm but she drops it without eating any and the male just trys to eat my fingers instead, but ignors mealworms (or other live food) when his friend gives it to him (he doesn’t like me and always puffs up his feathers when I stroke the female (they are in different cages and try to attack each other if the cages get too close).


    Wow! You feed them live bugs? Yikes! I couldn’t do that! Hahaha, I’m sorry, but I’m cracking up at the way this is worded: "Also can African greys eat meat and other parrots." I hope they don’t eat other parrots! 🙂 Have you ever heard this: I was told that I could NEVER feed my Amazon avocados, b/c it can kill them. Is this true? The bird shop told us this, but I find that insane! However, they also told me, and I’ve confirmed this, that sunflower seeds should be nearly-eliminated from diet b/c a.) it’s very fattening and b.) it’s like "bird cocaine" and gets them really hyped up. I got a sunflower-seed free diet for my bird for a week trial, and he was noticably calmer (he screeches like he’s being murdered some days!) Cheers!


    Wow! You feed them live bugs? Yikes! I couldn’t do that! Hahaha, I’m sorry, but I’m cracking up at the way this is worded: "Also can African greys eat meat and other parrots." I hope they don’t eat other parrots! 🙂 Have you ever heard this: I was told that I could NEVER feed my Amazon avocados, b/c it can kill them. Is this true? The bird shop told us this, but I find that insane! However, they also told me, and I’ve confirmed this, that sunflower seeds should be nearly-eliminated from diet b/c a.) it’s very fattening and b.) it’s like "bird cocaine" and gets them really hyped up. I got a sunflower-seed free diet for my bird for a week trial, and he was noticably calmer (he screeches like he’s being murdered some days!) Cheers!



    I have heard somting about not giving parrots avacordoes but I cannot remember fully but I wouldn’t give them it, ill reply if I can find anything about them. I have read my first post and it does sound a bit weird sorry but you know what I ment (can other parrots eat meat too, for thouse who cannot understand my language haha). It is true about the sunflower seeds, it can send a parrot insaine however one or two a day for training or just a general treat shouldn’t have such bad effects, aslong as they aren’t getting more to hyper and nutty (or you could give nuts for treats) but african greys and other seed eating parrots seem to love them so much more than nuts, whereas macaws seem to like nuts more or about the same as sunflowe seeds. Sorry its so long The Guys and Bess



    I have heard somting about not giving parrots avacordoes but I cannot remember fully but I wouldn’t give them it, ill reply if I can find anything about them. I have read my first post and it does sound a bit weird sorry but you know what I ment (can other parrots eat meat too, for thouse who cannot understand my language haha). It is true about the sunflower seeds, it can send a parrot insaine however one or two a day for training or just a general treat shouldn’t have such bad effects, aslong as they aren’t getting more to hyper and nutty (or you could give nuts for treats) but african greys and other seed eating parrots seem to love them so much more than nuts, whereas macaws seem to like nuts more or about the same as sunflowe seeds. Sorry its so long The Guys and Bess



    my birds all eat chicken, beef pretty much what ever we have, i also give my B&G chicken bones as the marrow is good for them.



    Can budgies eat meat then?



    Avocado’s are toxic to parrots, that’s why it’s never recomended.



    Avocadoes ARE toxic to birds..never give them to them! Also, remember if you are giving insects you risk loading your bird with parasites and bacteria and I do not think the benefit is worth the risk. Most wild birds that eat insects carry a high load of intestinal parasites that take a toll on their health. Re. other meat, a little chicken is probably ok but beef is high in fat, and most of our domestic birds have a tendency to get overweight in captivity, so it really is not good to feed them any high fat food. A parrot would never eat beef or chicken in the wild. Sunflower seeds are in this category also (high fat, low nutritional content) and should be eliminated from all bird diets. What parrots should eat is a good quality pelleted diet such as Zupreem, Harrison’s or Roudybush which has the correct balance of all nutrients plus HEALTHY table foods such as vegetables and whole grains. Pellets need to be about 60% of the diet. Feed table foods in VERY SMALL quantities, remembering the weight of the bird is usually under 1-2 lbs at most. One grape for a cockatiel equals over 100 grapes for a human. Don’t fill your bird up on junk or table foods or he will liekly end up dead from fatty liver disease. It is a good idea to have a blood chemistry done by your vet to see what the condition of his liver is, as this is directly connected to his diet. All this information is from my avian vet, Dr. Ken Welle in Urbana IL, so it isn’t just a bird owner’s opinion…



    When I bought my African Ringneck Parakeet Dianne The owner Of Just Us Birds In Missouri told me that Birds can eat any thing we cook/eat EXCEPT CHOCOLATE, AVACODOS,AND CAFFEINE THEY ARE TOXIC TO BIRDS. The things that we eat that expand when wet like pasta, beans, and rice should be cooked. Relic loves twinkes, french fries, dried carnberries, chicken, mashed potatoes, and most of all blueberry buckle baby food. Just try different things out Dianne’s blue and gold macaw loves hush puppies and chicken strips she even likes small bites of hamburger once in a while, and no twizzler is safe around that bird.



    dog food or cat food is probably best!

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