mixing male with females

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Brooke 13 years, 9 months ago.

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    I got 2 female guinea pigs about a year ago and they are the best of friends. I chose to get the 2 because of their need to socialize. My neighbor surprised me the other day. She bought me a baby guinea pig who happens to be a male as a thank you for babysitting. I in no way wanted a 3rd pig especially a male! she did tell me if i didnt want him she will keep him, but she has a cat and a 2 year old that is not gentle with her other animals…i just dont think the pig would stand a chance. So I decided ill keep him but have no idea what to do with him. My 2 females love the baby and seem to be mothering him when i bring them together to play but the girls are past the breeding age and it would be life threatening for them to get pregnant. I dont want to house him alone and when i do the girls left their pen and got him out of his and took him to theirs. Im not sure how but they did it but they did none the less. what are my options? if i keep seperate housing can i allow them to have time to socialize together safely If its supervised? Is fixing the male an option so they can be housed together safely? Please help!!!!! i don’t want to get another male so he wont be lonely…this is a prime example why you shouldn’t buy pets for other people.



    Getting your little boy fixed is definitely an option. As long as you find a qualified small animal vet there shouldn’t be any problem with doing that. He can happily live with the girls then. If you choose not to he will be fine caged by himself as long as he is getting attention from you. Males usually do not do well being caged together. Once they reach maturity they will almost certainly fight. If you do let your male have playtime with the females while he is not fixed PLEASE keep a good eye and keep them in your reach because they WILL mate. Males can breed at 3 weeks old! I had a neutered male living with females and they made wonderful cagemates. If you have a small animal vet in your area neutering is defintely a good option. Good luck with your piggies!

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