2010’s Most Unusual Cat Names

The nation's oldest and largest provider of pet insurance has revealed the most unusual cat names given to pets of policy holders.

For the third year in a row, employees of VPI (Veterinary Pet Insurance), were asked to select 50 unusual cat names from the company’s database of more than 485,000 insured pets and voted for 10 of their favorites.

"One of our favorite parts of putting these lists together is talking to the pets’ owners and finding out how they came up with such imaginative names," said Curtis Steinhoff, director of corporate communications for VPI. "Strangely enough, a lot of them tell us they ruled out names they’d be too embarrassed to shout in public when calling their pets back to them. When you think about the names these owners finally decided on – like ‘Lord Chubby Pruneface’ and ‘Optimus Pants’, – it really makes you wonder what didn’t make their cut."

VPI’s final list of the most unusual cat names are as follows:

  • Purr Diem
  • Bing Clawsby
  • Cleocatra
  • Admiral Pancake
  • Optimus Pants
  • Chairman Meow
  • Boo Manchu
  • Watts in a Name
  • Chenoa Azure Marshmellow-Puff
  • Senor Nachos

The owner of Purr Diem say she has a few unique traits, such as hiding under newspapers, carrying around bottle lids and shaking hands with her right paw. Ultimately, it was her unique purr that inspired her unusual name. "Purr Diem has a very unique echo-type of purr," says owner Nancee Darling. "Her purr is quick and often. She gives her ‘daily purrs’ whenever she is held in safe arms."

Picture courtesy Veterinary Pet Insurance

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