In memory of Grau Tiger

Home Community Pet Loss Support In memory of Grau Tiger

This topic contains 0 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Linda 15 years, 11 months ago.

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    I took Grau Tiger to the vet yesterday for something else and she found he had severe FUS with total blockage of the bladder. He was in severe pain. I don’t know how long he was sick since it’s hard to keep track of who urinates and who doesn’t with 4 cats. He was a very quiet cat anyway alththough, in retrospect, he had been somewhat listless recently. With his advanced disease it was decided to euthanize him.
    I feel so sorry for poor Grau Tiger and hope he hadn’t suffered too much before yesterday. He was terrified at the vet’s since he was timid with strangers. Fortunately, this vet is very nice and was very gentle and consoling to him.
    The procedure itself was painless. Now he is at peace and is no longer suffering. His friend, Sonja, misses him and looked for him when I came home without him.
    May he rest in peace.

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