Home Community Small Pets HAMSTER Q.S

This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Taressa 16 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi everyone I could use some good advice on HAMSTER. A few months ago I found a hamster in the dumpster where I live, after sometime and we finally found a hamster cage that we thought was perfect for him and we had the help of the lady at our local pet store who said she had a hamster. We bought him the regular oblong hamster cage very typical. He has grown some and I think he needs a bigger cage, could this be possible. He does need a bigger wheel but if I buy him a bigger wheel it won’t fit in his cage. So I’m thinking of a bigger cage, but I’m not sure this is necessary. I think he gets plenty of exercise he rolls around for about 2 hours everynite in his ball which is very large, but it seems like he could use a bigger cage. Anyone have any ideas or is it just me.



    i would get a bigger cage since it is a good idea to have a hamster wheel available to your hamster at all times. try getting an aquarium from your local pet store, they are cheap, easy to clean, and the sizes can get pretty large.



    Ask at your local pet shops (big and small) if they have a large aquarium that leaks, and isn’t good for fish any more. They will probably sell it to you for a lower price.
    Go to an aquarium shop, they’re likely to have tanks they can’t use anymore.



    That’s an awful thing to do to a hamster!!!
    I thoroughly second the "leaking aquarium tank" idea. That’s how I got one of my gerbil tanks.
    If the fellow is approaching 6 inches, it may be a Teddy Bear Hamster, they get 6-7 inches long.
    You’ll probably need a 20-gallon model if he’s approaching 6 inches. And yes, get him a wheel that fits him.



    My favorit cage is the critter trail three. Mine love it. Keep in mind that he should not stay in his ball for too long, a half an hour is good, he will keep running and wont stop and have a heart attack

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