BSL coming to your town?

Home Community Dogs BSL coming to your town?

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    We don’t seem to have too much trouble in South San Francisco regarding pitts, but we still watch out because you never know where and when you’ll come across a crazy. We did however have someone try and steal our pitt about 3 years ago and he got a face full of tear gas. My daughters boyfriend was able to get up tear gas in a small pocket spray container. Needless to say it never happened again.I posted to the wrong breed topic tonight. Read it if you get a chance.




    Yesterday,after the FORTH time I’ve seen an Hispanic gang affiliated male walk his dog (Pit Bull puppy) by my fence luring his dog to be aggressive and this time for the first time (that I saw that is)his dog let out a growl while lunging at my fence/dog.That was it, i called the cops.First officer to arrive I gave history of situation.The cop was respectful, he was interested and had a since of determination about him.He alluded to who he thought I was dealing with.At that time a second officer arrived.He was given the same story.The first officer even said to the second that he felt he knew who the character was. Second officer then said "the guy probably was just trying to get a rise out of your dog,that I walk my dog and when he sees another dog he too tries to pull me toward the other dog". I wonder how many times in past cases including this case against Mr. Vick that someone somewhere in the neighborhood saw something, explained it as such and it was then downplayed by the only ones who could have done something and prevented the suffering of many dogs maybe over many years before things were finally taken seriously. Cops pull people over in their cars all the time for such things as a light bulb out on the licence plate to find bigger and better things yet drop the ball here! I guess nothing will be done till one day my dogs goes after this dog who has been provoking her. Then it will be me and my dog who get in trouble? By the way my dog is being reversed trained!



    What is reversed training




    You know what is meant by a dog being socialised from a young age, well this can be reversed and a dog can become agressive when another dog is taken and used outside his/her fence to intimidate etc. My rott is getting very angry at this guys Pitt and as she does the pitt does back at her and then it goes back and forth over time can ruin my dogs dispostion and trust in strangers, this case another dog. Hope I explained that ok. But at the same time it may not affect my dog but just with this one dog, but she (my dog) shouldnt have to experence it in the first place! The cops didnt persue it so now I have to say something the next time I see this guy which likely will make things worse. But whats left to do? Guess I could try animal control next. But if they go to this guys house he then maybe poisens my dog(s) if they end up taking his? I know, move right, but I shouldnt have to! Im not breaking the law this guy is! And while he’s training his dog to be agressive he potentially doing the same to my dog. What a world……



    Unfortunately, responsible owners have to pay dearly for the stupidity of others. When I was pregnant, I would let Karma out to do her business and I would sit on the front porch and wait for her to finish. There’s a thread here about her not recalling at that time… Anyway, during that time we had some jerks around, who would sit on the other side of the fence and throw rocks, beer bottles and chicken bones over to the dogs. A few times I saw this happen and threw the chocolate back! This did in fact have an effect on Karma, and it’s taking me a lot of time and patience to break her of the habit of barking at every person who walks past our house now. I don’t let my dogs out unsupervised for many reasons… teasing being one. You may have to take the extra initiative to protect your dogs by supervising them when they’re out and correcting them when they do "engage". Either that, or watch the time that this guy walks by your place, and don’t allow your dogs out at those times. He cannot provoke your dogs if he cannot get to them. 🙂


    Member – – – – Rottie, thought you might be intrested in this, its amazing how motherly these dogs can be, a side of the dog i personally had never seen before – – – Jordon



    That is precisely the reason I prefer to foster puppies. Although she can’t nurse them, Karma is THAT caring with every baby that comes into our house. 🙂 She’ll even lay down as if to let them nurse. And she watches both of my kids with the same love and tenderness in her eyes.



    "a side of the dog i personally had never seen before – – – Jordon" Hopefully this lesson resonates to others and the opinionated-stigma will begin vaporize?



    begin to vaporize?



    Reply Posted: on 2007-08-22

    Rottie, I saw this earlier and thought about you wondering if you saw it….its a Rott nursing a kitten…….Suebee

    Rott Nurses Kitten



    this is the address for Rottweiler nursing kitten………..………Suebee thanks

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