what colour horse should i buy?

Home Community Horses & Riding what colour horse should i buy?

This topic contains 29 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Sarah 16 years, 11 months ago.

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    A year ago, I would have said that… but now that I know more, I would say that I would have to have a horse that is trained in something similar to what I know, and isn’t too old. And is tall enough for me.


    Yeah, the most important things are ability of the horse, and height, cause you have to have something big enough or small enough for you. Age is also kinda important, but not as important as those other two.


    Yeah, old injuries always find a way to sneak up on you, don’t they?! 😉


    Color is not the most important factor in buying a horse. Personality, Potential and Intelligence ARE very important. Conformation is another important thing that goes into buying a horse. If you get a horse with truly awful conformation, you might not be able to do everything you want to do with your horse and that horse is probably more likely to go lame. When you find a horse you like, make sure to ask whether the horse has had any past injuries, and, if so, what they were 😉


    Color really doesn’t matter to me, but I would rather have any other color other than chestnut or bay, cause just about EVERY horse is chestnut or bay!


    Exactly! 😉



    It doesn’t matter. If you fall in love with a horse that has a great personality, but is a really ugly color, you are not going to care. 🙂



    i had the same qestion when i went looking for a horse and i decided i wanted a palomeno. then when i was going to look at a horse that was a palomeno. i saw and fell in love with the horse i have now he’s a paint. i saw him in someones pasture


    Yeah. I kinda want something other than a bay or chestnut, cause they are such common colors. I really like the idea of a palomino or buckskin, but when I find the right horse, it won’t matter.



    i dont mean to sound rude or mean or amything but…what are you thinking?you should never buy a horse for its coler.you should first figure out how exerienced you are,try to find a horse for your discipline and experience.then if it is your tyoe of horse see if you can get it…dont forget to take it on a few test rides,groom it load it,etc before getting it! bye


    Any colour as long as it is healthy & at the right stage 4 you


    yep.. .what they said!



    I have horses of just about every color of the rainbow (equine that is) and I have found that NONE of them are better than the other. I prefer "stand-out" horses, like blacks, pintos, buckskins/duns/grullas, roan, etc… Bay and sorrel are a little too common for my liking, but that’s just me! A horse’s color doesn’t matter as long as he’s in good health, has a good temperament, and is the perfect match for you!!!



    I agree. But if you really want to know a good colour, my favorite colour is Golden Buckskin or just plain Buckskin. {Chestnut Roan is also a beautiful colour}.



    Buy a Palomino. There’re BEAUTIFUL!!!

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