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    Petsmart works actively with our humane societies to try to find home for their adoptables. PETA is full of it. I’m sickened at the lengths they go to to discredit others while denying their own bad practices.



    PETA makes a living by funding environmental terrorists, and getting suckers to believe videos like this one. Petsmart is one of the leading Humane Society, ASPCA and animal shelter donors in Los ANgeles, my area. Don’t believe everything you see on the internet, ESPECIALLY not ANYTHING from PETA.



    I know exactly where I’m posting these links.



    i watched the vids and read the stuff and i aint saying a word but for every one that lives in the uk Petsmart did have a few probs (THE ONE BY ME ANY WAY) there was talks about staff having to kill the sick animals and the living conditions were terrible people took note of this and the store closed for about a week then change their name to PETS AT HOME we think it is the same company every think was still the same all the staff were the same to . now they have stopped selling birds but still got every thing else THEY were looking for staff so i went in for a job interview answered every questions correctly walked round with them while they asked me diffrent questions they didnt like my veiws on how i think animals should be treated and told me i could not have the job i asked why and there response was they thought i was to over qualified they gave the jobs to people who did not know nothink at all so is it the same company you decide or can any one tell me diffrent.



    PETA may be bad, but it still doesn’t change my view on the way PetSmart cares for their animals. And the whole adoption thing, PetSmart doesn’t care for those animals. They may support it, but that doesn’t make them knowledgable of their own animals. But I do have to say, it depends on the location and the staff. I have seen many many stores with ill, bored, and crammed animals…which causes disease and death.



    Please do not boycott or call a boycott on a store just because you had a bad experience at one branch. I actually work at Petsmart and it hurts to hear people talking about how we allegedly abuse our animals and all the animals are sick and dying and are horrible creatures because that is completely wrong. At least at my store all the workers in the pet care dept. care about the animals, and most of us have our own little zoo’s at home ( I recently brought home 2 fancy rats yay!). We always make sure the animals are healthy and happy and try to ensure they go to good homes as well. There have been many times that I have refused to sell animals ( including fish) to people who would not provide proper care to the animal. If an animal is sick in the store ( it happens to the best of us, including pet owners) the animal is immediately taken to a vet and receives any medication needed so that it can lead a happy and healthy life. All I ask is that you take the stores on a case by case basis, and if you find something wrong with a particular store, bring it to the stores attention before you pass judgement. Also understand that sometimes emergencies and crisis do happen ( again, to pet owners as well as pet stores), so if you happen to walk into the store during one of those it is not normal!



    Last time i was at petsmart i was Betta shopping. The lady in the fish department didnt throw away dead fish, only the ones that LOOKED sick. She threw away the one i was going to buy! SHE THREW HIM IN THE TRASH CAN!!!I can’t beleive that place!!!



    Petsmart in Britain changed its name to Pets At Home in 2001, due to news allegations that they were mistreating their animals, so they smartened up abit (not much) and changed their logo and colours hoping that this would dispell the rumours going around about them. Now, i work at a Store in Scotland which is in direct Competition with Pets At Home and the rumours i have heard from customers about their animals are disgusting. The several stores i have vistited myself i have always found to be completly unsuitable for their animals. The staff employed there are mainly devoted to animals and pets, it is increasingly rare to find anyone who knows ANYTHING about the aquatic life they keep, meaning they are forced to live in completly unsuitable conditions. The store closest to me currently has a Chinchilla liveing in a cage which was obviously designed for hamsters and mice, aswell as having Rats in Sawdust substrate causing several Breathing problems. They also keep Rabbits with Guinea Pigs which is acceptable if they are not always housed together, however, Guinea Pigs tend to lay upon a Rabbits back when falling asleep causing problems with the Rabbits Spleen and Spine. The staff are arrogant and cocky, mainly teenagers, whom i doubt know much about the animals they sell. Dont get me wrong, alot of the animals they look after appear to be kept suitably and i have seen worse, however i feel for a large company such as Pets At Home, this is unnacceptable.



    I work at Petsmart and just looked at the video/PETA and a lot of it is sadly true. I get so frustrated at getting sick animals from the vendors. We got 4 new cockatiels in and 3 are at the vet all sick, one has the breastbone protruding from his stomach. ($2000 vet bill……on newly arrived birds) I recorded on one of the pet logs at least 4 times that a cockatiel needed to see the vet asap and our pet care manager advised using an antiobiotic off the shelf in our store. After many days of not getting better……he was finally taken to an avian vet (not Banfield) and put on the proper medication. Happily, the cockatiel is much better and looking and acting great.

    PETA has their own issues, but Petsmart needs to improve and buy from different pet vendors in my opinion. A lot of our guinea pigs come in sick and we have refuse them and return them to the vendor even before they are put in a cage. I can go on and on, but I am hopefully doing my part and trying to make a difference. If I can make a difference in one pet’s life, I am grateful. I can’t move a mountain, but I can nudge and nudge……..



    Bravo!! I love your morals!



    What do you mean? I love your morals?



    Couldn’t tell if you were being serious or sarcastic?



    I was being serious, its unusual to hear from someone who works at a petshop to treat these animals like livestock with the respect they deserve, as oppose to general stock, which happens all to often



    Thanks, what’s sad is the 16-17 year olds that work in our dept. that could care less…….just to get off work on time…….it gets to me sometimes. They do everything half ass or not at all. For example, one of the cockatiels we got in new that was sick had blood on his stomach and after feeling around, his breastbone was actually sticking through his skin……the associate that wrote on the treatment log that morning……wrote, "looks good, healthy, active." Obviously, she didn’t pick him up and look at him or weigh him….just wrote that. It was 9:30pm at night and nothing I could do. I felt so helpless. Luckily he went to the vet the next day! Then I have to tell myself, I can only do my job and do it the best I know how. I can’t do everyone else’s job for them.
    It really does get frustrating….but on a positive note, we have about 6 hamsters in the isolation room that had wet tail that have recovered fully and healthy little fluff balls. I am not impressed with the Banfield Vets. Just my opinion, though. Sorry so long……..I could write a book!



    I have nothing good to say about PETA. They have been known to do some HORRIBLE things… BURN DOWN shelters (years ago)-yes-research it-because animals were better off DEAD than confined. FOOLS.

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