Please HELP…Dog ate ENTIRE bone!

Home Community Dogs Health Please HELP…Dog ate ENTIRE bone!

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    Hi again. Need some serious help, guidance, and insight from anyone who knows anything about this subject, please. Our little 11 lb. Pekingese/Terrier ate an entire rawhide bone last night. The bone is somewhat larger than a large/long cigarette, and was very hard before he started chewing on it. It is the kind that you buy in stores, and I asked my daughter to take it away from him, but she said he would be fine. Next thing you know, the bone was gone, and I am worried about this little guy now. Please help. Thank you.



    Had he chewed or sucked the bone much before he swallowed it? This is always a danger with these bones. My GUESS (Guess ONLY) is that if he didn’t choke on it then it’ll be OK. I’m always worried about them choking on such bones, but if he has no trouble like that, I think he;ll be fine. He should be able to digest it over a few days, but be on the lookout for constipation and also for problems passing it.



    Thank you so much for responding. 🙂 It is really appreciated on this side. No, he did not chew it much before he ate it, one minute he was chewing on it a little, and then next it was gone, we couldn’t find it anywhere near him. He ate it. I am worried about it getting stuck or hurting something inside him. Do you think this will happen? Thanks again for your helpful feedback.



    As I say, just be ultra observant. If you notice anything peculiar take him to the vet. I still think it will digest on its own over the course of a couple days. Is he drinking adn eating normally?



    Yes, my daughter just called and he is eating and drinking. We were told we have to keep him in a dog crate/carrier when we are not home, so we did that, and she told me that he made a BM in the crate and got it all over the place all over him all over the crate and the blanket, everything. She has since cleaned it up and opened all the windows. He is cleaned up as best as he can be with out taking a bath too. He was just neutered on Wednesday, and can’t have a bath until Saturday. Anyway, she could not find any evidence of the bone coming out yet she said. We will certainly keep a good eye on how he seems to be behaving. I am at work and about to go home now to check on things. Thank you for helping me. If anything else happens with him, I will certainly let you know. You have been a good support. 🙂



    as the other poster said in most cases this mill not cause any problem, obviously if you are unlucky then the bone could get wedged in the bowel and cause complications. I would keep a very close eye on her and if there are any signs of discomfort or pain then take her to the vet. You can of course take her to the vet and have an x-ray done now to see where the bone is now



    IMHO he buried it. Please, don’t think I am taking your concerns lightly. I am not! But, I have gone through this worry myself, only to find the dog had buried the chew bone under the guest bathroom rug. As we rarely use this bathroom it wasn’t until cleaning time a couple days later I found it. It is their natural instinct being played out. Like I said, In My Humble Opinion – and I hope that is all that happened.



    Please never give your dog rawhides. They are very dangerous, not from just the choking standpoint but they have sharp edges, they splinter & can tear the stomach or intestine.



    Hello again! Just wanted to come back and give you all a quick update on what happened. Not that you all have given it much thought, but I wanted to tell you that Scruffy is okay, and he did not have any problems or complications from the bone. Just for my own curiosity, I put another bone just like it in water to see what would happen, and it got really really soft, so he was okay. Also, I brought the bag of bones back to the pet store and got my money back. No worries, I will never give my dog a rawhide bone again, heck, don’t think he will be getting any kind of bones in his lifetime again. No reason for it, he has food and treats that look like bones, etc.

    Why in the world do pet stores sell this stuff if it causes such harm to animals? It should be considered a crime and be outlawed if what you say is true about the intestines and sharp edges, etc.

    Anyway, Scruffy is okay, praise the Lord. Thank you so much for your support and help when I was in need and very anxious about our family member. :^)



    glad to hear he is ok. You are right, the stores shouldn’t sell this stuff. Same goes for greenies. They cause blockages that can be fatal. Some things to use for treats – baby carrots, apple slices, brocolli etc. work just fine



    Thanks again, but what are greenies? He will eat a little bit of apple, but it has to have peanut butter on it. :^)



    A comment on the bone. I watch a show that comes on the new – Animal House Call’s on City Pulse 24. Any way in there you can call in and ask questions to the guest vet. Anyway a lady called in and i forgot what the question was but she was telling how her dog ate the done and it was ripped apart, like Suebgone said, and he ahd to be put down. Good thing your dogs okay.



    Aside from the obvious dangers rawhides present they are processed with lead & arsenic, so there are other problems with them. Greenies are chews that are green shaped bones made from cornstarch (so they say) & are supposed to be very digestable. They are not & they often coagulate in the stomach causing a blockage & even death. You can learn more by googling "greenies"



    Yes, I am happy that my dog is okay. Like I said, I won’t be giving him bones any more mainly because I realize the dangers now. This is our first dog, and had no idea that bones were bad for them, especially since they have an entire isle set aside for them in the mega pet shop that we go to, but I have learned since.

    Thanks for letting me know what greenies are, you can be sure he won’t be getting those either. Thanks again all. :^)

    May all your pets stay blessed and happy. 🙂



    My dog develped pancreatitis from eating pigs ears. I guess it was the fact that they have bacteria on them. If they don’t eat them all at once and come back later they can get bacteria, also they may contain salmonella. She was very sick for a month, almost lost her. I looked on the internet to research pigs ears. Back in 2002? Canada banned pigs ears because dogs were dieing from salmonella, and humans that touched them were also getting sick. The same thing could probably happen with rawhides if not processed thoroughly. Pigs ears also have a little meat and very greasy so they are worse. PLEASE DON"T FEED PIGS EARS to your dog. I came across so many cases of pigs ears giving dogs severe diahrhea squirts. I had a friend that went camping and gave the dogs pigs ears, then left the dogs in the trailer while they went horseback riding. They came back and the walls of the trailer were covered in dog diahrhea. GROSS

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