Please HELP…Dog ate ENTIRE bone!

Home Community Dogs Health Please HELP…Dog ate ENTIRE bone!

This topic contains 18 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Karen 17 years, 8 months ago.

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    I didn’t know Canada banned pig ears. THey still sell some though in places like Bulk Barn.



    I don’t believe it was a permanent ban. It was banned until they started cooking them thouroughly and making sure they did more safety checks for salmonella.



    I had never given a dog a pig ear before, but saw them at the vet’s for sale. I bought one, gave it to the pooch, saw it shredding with sharp edges, and took it away. I have since asked for opinions on rawhides, both from this site and my NEW vet. Also did some research via the internet. SOME rawhides are in fact processed with arsnic, not all. My new vet said that a rawhide on occasion is alright, just read the lables. If there are no ingredients listed on the package, assume the worst and don’t buy it. Also bought a Kong from the vet, which works alright but does not hold Burgee’s (the dog) attention for long. Even when I stuff it with peanut butter or other goodies. Anyway, as always, call the vet if you are unsure of any issues. That’s what they are there for!



    No worries, no pigs ears will be given either. Thanks again 🙂

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