Maybe getting a horse

Home Community Horses & Riding Maybe getting a horse

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    I am 16 years old, and my parents are thinking about moving, to bribe me they are basicly thinking about moving to a farm house with enough land for a horse. I know the basics about horse riding and have looked after horses before, also my mum used to have 2 horses when she was my age. I love the idea of it but im not sure what sort of horse I would need. I am about 10 stone, have never had my own horse befor so would want a gentle one, would love to just spend all day with it, in the field, feeding, groming, riding any thing and everything. Me and a friend used to look after 2 horse that were in really poor condition when we found them, we fed them everday (they werent our horses but we met the owners and they said we could help look after them if we wanted), we gave them water, and just generaly looked after them. I wouldnt get board as so many people that I know have. My five year old sister is also getting one so what sort would you suggest for a large 5 year old, she would want to keep the horse for ever and to ride it for as long as possible prefrably until the horse was too old. I do not believe in upgrading the horse, it is a living breathing part of the family not a car. If I got a horse I could never part with it unless I really had to. What sort of hrse and age would you suggest, im not interested in any showing or jumping, just a horse to love and ride! Also I have a dog who loves horses so he would come with us for rides



    Well, I’ve never owned my own horse before either, and I’m in a like situation. We are moving, and I might get a horse soon. I’m just interested in riding & having a good friend to love, not show. So, I mainly wanted to say that I agree with you about not upgrading a horse like a thing. I would never sell my horse unless I had to. Quarter Horses are good for a lot of things. An Apaloosa is a good choice too. they are good riding and trail horses. I think their coloring is pretty too. I would go mainly by the indevidual horses personality. Good luck finding the best horses for you and your sis.



    I own several quarter horse so I am partial to the breed my self. they have good temperments and are very sturdy. Stay away from the higher strung horses like thoroughbreds and arabs



    Getting a horse is really exciteing and I have one and they can be really fun and rewarding! 🙂



    Don’t be in a big rush. Get moved, get settled and make sure you have the right environment and enough turn out for a horse or two. Once you have that, then find someone with way too many horses on their hands and ask them about leasing. Bring them to your place and try it for a year. If after that, you are still in love with them, then find one that is suitable to your riding experience. Too many people buy a horse and have no idea what they are taking on! They get very expensive and are demanding of your time. If you lease out your place to one, you’ll get the taste of the responsibility without having the actual burden of ownership. Also, don’t listen to the breed snobs… I happen to like Quarter Horses too and own three, but that doesn’t mean they are the best for what you want. Decide how you want to use your horse, trail riding, dressage, western, english… then buy a horse that has already been well trained in those disciplines. Don’t buy a green horse – remember this: Green Horse + Green Rider = Black and Blue! You are far better off boarding one somewhere for at least a year where you can learn about feed, disease, emergencies, take riding lessons. I mean… would you know what to do if your horse was colic in the middle of the night???? Think about the welfare of this animal first. Go somewhere and learn and absorb all that you can… then buy.

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