Were Do You Keep Your Pets???

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    I was wondering…. where do you keep your rodents? In a cage? Or an aquarium? Why? Also is your pet in your room or where???


    all my rodents r in cages and all of them r in my room



    Hi I keep my hamsters in a 20 gallon tank in my room. i onluy have 2 so a 20 gallon tank is very big for them. Leah


    I have 1 gerbil in one 10 gallon tank 1 gerbil in another 10 gallon tank then i have 2 baby gerbils in a 10 gallon tank and i keep them in my bedroom



    I have 7 mice in a Crittertrail 3 cage, 3 more in an older model that usually goes on top of a ten gallon tank, a gerbil in a Crittertrail X cage, and a rat in a twenty gallon tank, all in my room.



    now, i keep my dwarfs in a habitrail mini with a maze and a wire cage ::)



    Depending on what gerbils, and how many: A) 10 Gallon tank (1 girl gerbil, survivor of a set of 3 girls). = B) 20 gallon long tank with a Habitrail & a SAM plastic unit above it connected by tubing = c) Just the 20 gallon long tank. At present, in the kitchen; my move to the Living Room.



    I have my 3 baby Hammies in a cage in the bathroom lol they feel so good in there!



    i have a young gerbil, called loki. I have to keep her in my bedroom as i have a killer dog! At first she had a three tier cage, but she chewed all the plastic and the chewing kept me awake all night, she eventually chewed through the base and so i got her a new one, with only a mesh top, so she can no longer kick out sawdust, yet, it was bad qualtity and she chewed the locks, and all the plastic bits yet again, i was forced to reluctently buy a vivarium, she cant make a mess, or chew it so its perfect, i just keep giving her wood to chew, you can buy special water bottles for sticking to the glass sides, but yet again, i have been forced to get a new cage as i dont think she gets enough exersize whilst im out, i now have a 5 foot glass vivarium to pick up! i got it very cheaply off ebay and its great, its huge. can be used for other pets after, and she will love it!

    Click on any picture to see full size:



    i dont have a hamster yet im getting one soon though ill keep my hamster in an aquarium becuase the are easy to clean oh and i am going to keep him in my room



    i keep animals like hamsters in my room in a tank rats in a cage guineapigs and rabbits and ferrets in a hutch in the garden

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