Bunny teeth grinding surgery problem

Home Community Rabbits Bunny teeth grinding surgery problem

This topic contains 0 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  tiffany 13 years, 8 months ago.

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    I took my 2.5 yr old holland lop buck, Mr. Bun Bun, to the vet yesterday. The vet told me that on the left side of his tongue he has a small cut from one of his molars. She recommended doing the teeth grinding surgery under anasthesia. I am a little worried about putting him under for surgery because a couple of weeks ago, another vet had given him a dose of Revolution, bunny ingested some of it, and was very sick for the night. He had  wryneck, vertigo symptoms. He’s been fine since that night, i rushed him to the emergency vet and washed the meds off.
    Anyway, kmowing the bad reaction he had, I’m worried about the surgery (anesthesia and bad reaction).
    Is there any way to try and reverse the molars growth and his tongue being cut naturally at home? Are there any options besides surgery?
    What do you recommend?
    I have only had Mr. Bun Bun for about a month (got him from a breeder) but i love him and will do anything to keep him healthy and happy.
    Thanks for your time and advice!

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