Horse gone bonkers-!

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    I have a 10 year old MorganXWalker mare, and she has been happy & content grazing in my side yard. As of about a month ago, she acts bizarre when she goes out to the yard, bolts like a crazy horse when I step outside & she sees me.
    She will run blindly into the pasture, hiding in the run-in, trembling.
    Nothing has changed! (except that it’s hotter now) I would always go out many many times to do stuff around the house, etc before, no trauma. And when it was time to go in for the evening, I’d simply say "Time to go in!" and she would walk meekly back into the pasture.
    I am afraid she will run over my dog & cats who also share the yard in this ridiculous panic of hers. Would be afraid to close the gate as she might tear it down when I step out, or tear through the fence.
    What the heck? Can anyone help? I’ve tried standing quietly, but when she hears my voice, or spots me, she is GONE. Oddly she is fine in the pasture & when riding. It seems like a dominance issue, but a very unusual one. Help?



    Something has happened in that space to give her sensitivity to it. She’s telling you that. Even if you weren’t there or don’t know what it was. Probably something to do with people coming in to the area unexpected and scaring her.
    She needs to be desensitised. Lots and lots of ground work and positive events in the area.
    Even feed her there if you hand feed her at night? Or call her over to give her treats. Just do anything you can to make you emergence from the house a positive experience again and erase the fear she currently has.
    Sounds serious, and even dangerous if let to continue.
    Good Luck!



    I am remiss in thanking you for your thoughful reply!
    Since I just could not pinpoint the issues she was having, I tried just doing what I used to do, and eventually she calmed down, and it was her idea.
    I have found ignoring the problems sometimes WILL make it go away, and it certainly did. If she was charging me or kicking out, that would have been one thing, but she was just goosey about "something". And me going about my business finally got through to her.
    I may have found another angle to Natural Horsemanship, walking away & pretending she isn’t there. Eventually they want to be in your herd!
    (that said, now she practically sits in my lap & nickers all the time when she sees me. Best friends…..)

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