Pegion Fever HELP Please!!!!!!

Home Community Horses & Riding Pegion Fever HELP Please!!!!!!

This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  mandy 13 years, 7 months ago.

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    Hello, I have a 25 yr old TB mare she is currently in good weight and good health. The barn I am at recenty has had several outbreaks of pegion fever. I have been taking every percatution with her including blanketing and fly spraying her every day. Today I noticed a slight eye drainage, which I cleaned and put a mask on her. I know that pegion fever can enter through the mucuse membrain. I also noticed a sligh swelling on her abdomen muscles near the girth, and I am not sure if it is swolen or I am just being a worried owner? Is there any thing I can do for her if she has pegion fever? I know it can take a while for an abcess to form and they can have this for weeks before it makes a visable showing. Is there anything I can do for her short of putting her on antibiotics? Anything to boost her imune system? I am conserned mostly because of her age.



    Pegion Fever comes from the ground and contact with other horse who have it. It is very hard to avoid once it has entered a herd or barn. Quarentine is the best way to avoid it but if your horse has been in a barn that has it she will most likely get it. But don’t stress about it to much cause it is treatable and it will get better. Once your horse gets the bump full of puss let it be ’till it breaks on it’s own. Treat the area with iodine, and administer an injectible anti-biotic. We had a case of this a few years back and the vet recamended this treatment. It worked well and all of our horses recovered well. Goodluck. 🙂

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