Drinking behaviour

Home Community Cat Behavior Drinking behaviour

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Frances 15 years, 5 months ago.

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    My cat Mafdet is still a kitten (about 7 months old) and for some reason she drinks my water whenever she has the chance. She doesn’t do this for the other members of my family so why does she do this?



    Maybe she feels you are her person. I have 4 kittens that are about5 months old and they will drink from any glass if they are given the chance they are not to pick about whats in the glass, milk, tea, soda whatever.



    Yours is better.
    Human’s food & drinks are ALWAYS better…
    She knows this.
    Maybe she’d like her own glass of water at her eating station?
    Just keep her away from the coffee, tea and grape juice. And onion soup.

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