Re: How can I get my dog to drink more water?

Home Community Dog Food & Feeding How can I get my dog to drink more water? Re: How can I get my dog to drink more water?



I am so happy to read your post. My dog just had surgery for bladder stones and was told she needs to drink more water. I measured the water I put in her bowl so I could check the next morning to see what she drank,first day I did that she drank almost a cup and yesterday a half a cup. I had just gotten the cranberry supplements and this was the first day I put it in her food . I got a 500mg capsule which I put in a small container and then measured out half of that and spinkled it on her Royal Canin (which I have to mix a large tablespoon of cottage cheese to get her to eat that) and I was very happy that she ate it all. I will check at our local pet stores though to find the ones made for dogs.
Thanks so much…..

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