Re: Severe itch problem

Home Community Dogs Severe itch problem Re: Severe itch problem



I guess the vet suspects some sort of mites for him to give Tucker ivermectin?
I guess it’s more prone here the mites (Southern California) being that we have "hot" weather most of the time. It’s weird too that we have had relative humid weather at times… That’s when the itchy’s started with Sammy a short time ago.
Winter is the best time for him. For the most we haven’t had to give him any meds related to itching, and infection.
I did purchase Nature’s Specialties/Quick Relief, Neem Shampoo…
*Aids in the relief of Itching, Hot Spots, Yeast, skin Irritations Due to Flea and or Tick infestation *Cleans, Deodorizes & Conditions, *Non Toxic/Biodegradable.
We used the oatmeal bath because I wanted to use it up… next time around I’m going to try the above. I liked it because it mentioned "yeast" which Sammy gets related infection too… he’s always getting skin scrapes (the vet shows me under the microscope) the mites and he also shows me the yeast when it flares….
I’m sure hoping Tucker doesn’t have to deal with this type of problem.
Unfortunately, all we can do for Sammy is treat symptomatically because we can’t get rid of the "allergens" nor mites that live in our daily lives.
Has Tucker developed secondary infection? Hopefully, his problem is just a seasonal thing.
As far as Sammy goes when he first started the ivermectin treatment years ago, we notice as always within a couple of days a big difference. Of course he’s had Prednisone which really helped the itching (not the cause) but, it’s really BAD to give heavy steroids on a consistent basis. That’s why he’s on Hydroxizine with the ivermectin. Antibiotics if it turns to secondary infection. For now, his problem is relatively calm but still there. At least he’s not licking his fur off, and doesn’t have sores on his feet.
Keep up the good work…they’re WORTH IT!
*if you have time check out my website and forward it to your Pet Lover friends if you think it’s worth while.
Best of Luck to you and Tucker and please keep us informed!
**Picture of our "Chibi" a domestic pig I rescued…He lived his 9 years at a friends Pig Sanctuary in Ohio… (passed away last year)