FAQ: Overweight Dogs

How overweight is unhealthy?
Dogs should not be overweight at all, especially as puppies or adolescents.

Can obesity be caused by illness?
No, but illnesses which cause bloating or fluid retention make a dog seem fat.

What are the consequences of a dog being overweight?
He can no longer cope with the activities which are essential to him enjoying life. Severe strain can be put on hip joints causing lameness. Heart action may be compromised, breathing may be restricted and in bad cases the legs find it difficult to support the body.

Should an old dog weigh more than a young one?
Not very much more, although spaying and castration do tend to encourage retention of fat.

Are any particular breeds more susceptible to being fat?
Labrador Retrievers are always very enthusiastic eaters and can become overweight if not carefully monitored. Bullmastiffs require lots of exercise to keep them trim.

When a dog is on a diet, should he drink more?
No. If your dog does this it may be a sign of a serious illness so consult your vet without delay.

Should an overweight dog on a diet be taken on more walks?
More walks are always a good idea.

What could the problem be if the dog never over-eats?
There may be some other source of food! Check if he is scavenging from bins or killing rabbits of pheasants. There may also be a source of garden fruit. Alternatively, he may be eating food put out for birds or for other pets.

Are there any behavioral problems associated with a dieting dog?
A dieting dog may snatch from the hand when fed, and this should be treated firmly but sympathetically.

What low-calorie snacks can I give him instead of his usual treats?
Carrots and apples are low-calorie snacks enjoyed by many dogs. Try cooking them if he does not enjoy them raw. Alternatively, give your dog some of his prescription diet at treat-times.