Pet Hair Causes Owners Most Distress

A new survey has found that pet hair causes pet owners more anguish than any other pet mess.

A September survey by BISSELL Homecare, Inc found that the majority (86%) of pet owners don’t mind the fact that having a pet means that their house will be less pristine or that they will need to work harder to maintain cleanliness, but 38% of Americans say that they would consider buying a pet if cleaning up after them was an easier task.

Of the most difficult pet messes to clean up, pet hair topped the list – beating even vomit and stools. Considering this finding, it is unsurprising that the survey found that most Americans with a dog or cat said they would give up one of their luxuries to stop their pet from ever shedding again. And despite this, 50% of owners give their pets the run of their entire house, even allowing them to sit on furniture at any time of the day. For pet owners, it seems that the positives of pet keeping out-weight the negatives: The survey also found that 60% of pet owners are more likely to receive a kiss from their four-legged companion than their partner when they come home.

"This research quantifies how much Americans love their pets," says pet lifestyle expert Kristen Levine. "Unfortunately, the research also reiterates that although pet clean-up doesn’t detract from the relationship between pet and owner, it can be a major factor in deterring would-be pet parents from adopting. Imagine how many animals could find happy homes if people understood how simple, quick and cost-effective clean-up can be!"

Just over 50% of dog and cat owners said they used a "quick fix" to address cleanliness issues, such as using an air freshener or candle, simply disposing of soiled items, and flipping cusions and blankets which are covered with hair. But Levine recommends a more preventative approach, including regular brushing of your dog or cat and buying a vacuum specifically designed to remove pet hair. Levine also stresses the importance of attending to potty accidents quickly to avoid stains and lingering odors.

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