1.1 Million Pets Re-Homed For Holidays
One of the world’s largest pet adoption campaigns, "Iams Home 4 the Holidays" (IH4TH) has announced that a total of 1,125,667 animals were adopted between October 1st and January 4th at more than 3,500 animal organizations around the world. Iams announced that 593,146 dogs, 509,470 cats and 23,051 other animals (including rabbits, reptiles, horses and birds) were rehomed during the campaign.
"With all the hard work that animal organizations do every day, we’re thrilled to be able to support those efforts and shine an even brighter light on the issues and the importance of pet adoption each year with this program," said Mike Arms, founder of Iams Home 4 the Holidays and president of Helen Woodward Animal Center. "We’re all very proud of the successes we’ve had over the years and will continue to work together in the hopes that one day every homeless pet will be in a loving home for all their holidays."
Understanding that not everyone is in the position to adopt a pet, Iams wanted to make it easy for more people to get involved and help make a difference by creating the Bags 4 Bowls food drive. Consumers could either purchase specially-marked bags of pet food or interact on the Facebook page to help donate bowls of pet food to participating organizations. An incredible success, the food drive reached its goal and Iams is donating 5,000,000 meals (enough to feed an average cat or dog) to participating animal organizations.
"We’re proud that we’ve been a part of this program since it began in 1999 and we’ve helped more than 5 million pets find loving homes," said Maria Beatriz Rodriguez, Iams general manager. "We’re dedicated to continuing our mission with our partner animal organizations to ensure more and more pets find their forever homes."