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    Thank you Karen for your advice. I really have no idea regarding treatment of bladder stones. I will ask the vet if he has made any test on the stone found. I will immediately seek for a second opinion considering what you have told me about your own experience. I really appreciate your advice.



    hi larm. 😀 i’m glad you like my idea. it’s really nice to pause for a while and thank our dear pets who have made our lives more colorful.



    hi Fluffmeister. we share something in common. when i lost my 2 dogs because of old age, i couldn’t find it in my heart to get another pet. i kept thinking that it will never be the same again. i just didn’t want to entertain thoughts of starting all over again … building a relationship, loving a pet, then losing a dear friend. i just couldn’t go through all that pain again. but i realized that grieving is a normal process. time heals. without consciously thinking about it, i just realized one day that i was ready to share my heart again. i fell in love with miko the day i saw him. he is a white bundle of joy and he has made my life happier. miko’s warmth and affection made me decide to get another friend. i now have 2 dogs, miko and bruno. they constantly make me smile. i was really afraid when miko underwent an operation last week because of bladder stones. he was confined for several days at the clinic. it was his first time away from home. it was really hard on everybody. i’m just thankful that the operation went well. he is home now and doing much better. he is on prescription diet. miko is just 6 years old. we’re all taking good care of him. he will have his checkup next week and we’re hoping for the best.



    i’m so sorry to hear about what happened to your dear friend. i don’t have a pet cat at home but we used to feed a stray black cat that lived in the street. we affectionately called him ming-ming. he didn’t have an owner. he was a poor little stray. we couldn’t really adopt him because we had dogs at home. we fed ming-ming every night. after some time, he instinctively goes infront of our house to wait for his supper. one night, while i was talking on the phone with a friend, i heard a loud sound. i heard a car skid and for a moment, my heart jumped. i felt that something was wrong. then i heard my brother shouting outside. he saw ming-ming got hit by an unknown speeding car. my brother shouted at the driver but he didn’t stop. my brother was very fond of ming-ming. i felt my heart break when i saw ming-ming’s body. i felt more lonely when i saw how heartbroken my brother was. he was the one who initiated feeding ming-ming and he must have felt twice the pain of losing the dear little cat. i felt angry at the speeding driver. i don’t know him but he had no remorse. he never stopped even though he knew he hit a cat. i just hope drivers will be careful on the road. i hope your pain will ease soon. time will heal your wound …



    i’m sorry to hear about your loss. i know that it’s very hard for you right now. several years ago, i lost my 2 dogs because of old age. when they died, i told myself i’ll never get another dog because i don’t want to experience that kind of pain again. but after some time, i was able to recover from the loss. i just knew it was time to get another pet when i saw miko (my white, fluffy bundle of joy). i never compared miko to my 2 other dogs. spot and bunny will always have a special part in my heart. i have kept photos of them and i smile when i remember the good times. the pain will go away. just give yourself time to grieve. it is a normal process. time heals … take care…



    hi everyone! i’m a newbie. it’s nice to hear about your dogs. i’m also a dog lover. i have two dogs, miko & bruno. miko is a mixed breed. he is a fluffly, white bundle of joy and he is 6 yrs old. bruno is a black labrador retriever. he won 2nd place in our local dog show. he is very sweet. bruno is almost 3 years old. i went through a trying experience recently when miko had to undergo surgery. he was operated because of bladder stones. he was confined for several days at the clinic. it was his first time to be away from home so it was very hard on everybody. i could hardly sleep during those nights thinking of miko. we visited him during the day while he was recuperating at the clinic. even bruno felt miko’s absence. he was very sad while miko was away. miko is now home and i’m thankful that he is doing well. he is on prescription diet and some medicines. i’ glad that his condition was detected during its early stage so he had good chances of getting better. he is more active these days and he is eager to play. he will have his checkup next week. everyone in the family is hoping for the best.



    hi! i have the same problem with my 2 dogs. they also love to dig in the garden so now it’s off limits to them. before, we didn’t mind them going around and digging shallow pits where they usually lie down. but when we had our garden landscaped, we just couldn’t let our dogs ruin the nice plants and arrangement. miko, my mixed breed is the original digger. he is a small white dog. he used to stay inside the house. however, when we got bruno, our black labrador, we let miko stay out of the house so bruno won’t be lonely. at first, bruno had no signs of digging behavior but maybe miko influenced him because he just copied miko’s digging antics. 😮 we still let them loose in the garden but under supervision. they don’t dig when we’re there. they must know that we will get angry when they do so. i remember when i left the dogs unsupervised for several minutes. when i went out to check, miko had this gulity look on him. true enough, he dug a small pit which ruined some parts of the grassy area. i just find it funny how my dogs have this guilty look whenever they do something bad. nevertheless, i still love them. to avoid "digging accidents" we keep the garden off limits by placing a fence. they have other areas where they could play like the garage. they still have "garden time" when we are there to watch them. that way, everyone’s happy 😉

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