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  • #480798


    Hello, raisons and bannanas are not very healthy for your ferret regardless of how much they love them! They are fine fed in small quantities, though and remember they are a treat only. Cooked meat is very good for your ferret and most ferrets love it. I am not aware of many recipes however i will keep looking. For the time being here are some treats that are OK and not OK for your ferret: OK: Bannana (small amounts) Raisons (even smaller amounts) Ferretone (Should be reduced with 30% olive oil to reduce amount of vitamin A intake) Meat. Bones (Some people will advise against this – bones are vital to help your ferret stay healthy and can either be blended up or given whole, do not give chicken bones as it can splinter) Some shop made treats for ferrets are fine as long as they do NOT contain corn. NOT OK treats: Dairy products. Caffiene Sweets Treats with sugar in. Fresh fruit except for bannana in small amounts. For a good ferret food, i recommend you pick a 9 or 10 from this chart: I hope that helps 🙂



    Just to let some of you know, i am –matt– however i have changed my username to my full name 🙂



    Yes either contact PETA or contact a local organisation near you. They will help find this pony a loving home where he can retire, and then you will still have enough money for your own horse some day. Good luck, and please keep us updated!



    There is also one at :).



    Do you know for sure they they are male and female? Sometimes, animals will do this as a sign of dominance so even if it looked like that, don’t asume they are male and female. However if you know for sure, then it’s most likey that you can expect babies! Usually, you should remove the dad after mating to avoid stress on the female – he will not make a good parent but instead maximise the risk of the babies being injured in the nest. The mother will need extra protein, fat and vitamins in her diet in order for herself and the babies to be healthy. It is common however unfortunate that the runt will die within 48 hours after birth. The following are ages that rabbits should be bred: Small doe and buck: 6 months, older prefered. Medium doe and buck: 7 months, older prefered. large doe and buck: 8 months, again older prefererd. A female rabbit (doe) should NOT be bred more than twice a year and should retire at the age of 3. Rabbits can have up to 12 babies (thats the most recorded) however normally it is from 4 – 7, first litters being smaller and usually less healthy when young. I hope this helped a little 🙂



    I love bunnies – did you say you where the creator of these forums? ???. Lol anyway rabbits are colourblind, but may experience blur’s or blodges of colour :).



    Hummmm i’m not to sure. I think people may pay quite a bit though – horse sitting is no easy task! You must have a lot of land & many stables! 🙂



    If your vet is sure that your ferret is healthy then i am sure he is :). Ferrets can be very vocal – some people think the "dooking" a common noise that ferrets make when happy sounds slightly like what you have described. That said, could you please tell me what bedding you use? Some ferrets may contract respietrry problems due to dust from bedding/and/or litter.



    Does your ferret shake –all– the time or mostly when he/she wakes up? It is common for ferrets to shake, in order to raise their body temperature. I am sure you have nothing to worry about, i have been working and owned by ferrets for many years now 🙂

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