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    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news……..for those of you who don’t know, I work part time for Petsmart and just last week, we were asked to take the Cockatiels off the sales floor and put them in isolation. Corporate relayed "there had been some cases of sick cockatiels and they had been keeping a watch on them" The sickness they were watching for we were told is Psittacosis. So if you don’t see any cockatiels in your hometown Petsmart, that’s why. First the lovebirds were taken off the floor and there had been some possible cases of Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease and there may be some carriers that are not showing the illness outwardly, so all lovebirds were pulled and returned to the vendor…..so that was a while ago……..
    And yes, Petsmart continues to get their birds from the vendor "Preferred Birds"



    Thanks, what’s sad is the 16-17 year olds that work in our dept. that could care less…….just to get off work on time…….it gets to me sometimes. They do everything half ass or not at all. For example, one of the cockatiels we got in new that was sick had blood on his stomach and after feeling around, his breastbone was actually sticking through his skin……the associate that wrote on the treatment log that morning……wrote, "looks good, healthy, active." Obviously, she didn’t pick him up and look at him or weigh him….just wrote that. It was 9:30pm at night and nothing I could do. I felt so helpless. Luckily he went to the vet the next day! Then I have to tell myself, I can only do my job and do it the best I know how. I can’t do everyone else’s job for them.
    It really does get frustrating….but on a positive note, we have about 6 hamsters in the isolation room that had wet tail that have recovered fully and healthy little fluff balls. I am not impressed with the Banfield Vets. Just my opinion, though. Sorry so long……..I could write a book!



    My best friend had to put her 11 yr. old Lab down in December. They did all kinds of tests–never did pin point what it was. He lived to eat and I joked with her that I thought the dog would stand on his head for food, but I think he would have. He stopped eating and we knew it wasn’t good……..he had trouble with his hips and in the end he couldn’t even get up to to potty and she said he looked at her with that "Help me!" look and she knew it was time. My father said the same thing about his 15 yr old daschund. He said she looked at him and it was if she was saying "help me" and he knew.

    You will know……..they will let you know.



    Couldn’t tell if you were being serious or sarcastic?



    What do you mean? I love your morals?



    My thoughts are with you……I have a 15 yr. old Miniature Pinscher. He is almost entirely blind and almost entirely deaf. He falls down a lot and it peeing and pooping in the house a lot……which is understandable of a dog that age. He still enjoys eating and sunning outside or in a sunbeam in the house and will still pounce on a top toy every once in a while. He has neck and hip problems and is really crooked when standing. Although I know I will have to make a decision at some point, we have a nice carpet cleaner and have a ramp for him to get into the house and keep a baby gate up in front of the stairs so he won’t fall. My hope is that he will let me know when it’s time. I trust my vet 100% that he will counsel me on when the time is right as well.

    I also have an 11 year old Schipperke who is very healthy and active. Aren’t they great dogs?!



    I would recommend cutting the very tips off of his nails, just a tiny bit. Then a couple of days later, a tiny bit more. Keep trimming just a smidgen off until you get them short enough that he isn’t tripping on them. That’s just as bad as having the quick cut……..

    I started when my dogs were young clipping the nails and none of them mind me doing it. My schipperke will let me cut his nails while he is on his back with all fours up in the air. But I started very young with all my dogs. When his get long….I have to gradually clip the tips off just like I suggested above to where I can get them back to normal length.



    I work at Petsmart and just looked at the video/PETA and a lot of it is sadly true. I get so frustrated at getting sick animals from the vendors. We got 4 new cockatiels in and 3 are at the vet all sick, one has the breastbone protruding from his stomach. ($2000 vet bill……on newly arrived birds) I recorded on one of the pet logs at least 4 times that a cockatiel needed to see the vet asap and our pet care manager advised using an antiobiotic off the shelf in our store. After many days of not getting better……he was finally taken to an avian vet (not Banfield) and put on the proper medication. Happily, the cockatiel is much better and looking and acting great.

    PETA has their own issues, but Petsmart needs to improve and buy from different pet vendors in my opinion. A lot of our guinea pigs come in sick and we have refuse them and return them to the vendor even before they are put in a cage. I can go on and on, but I am hopefully doing my part and trying to make a difference. If I can make a difference in one pet’s life, I am grateful. I can’t move a mountain, but I can nudge and nudge……..



    So sorry for your loss. What an awful thing to happen. I would be extremely angry with the groomer and even though it won’t bring your dog back, I would talk to someone about possibly sueing (sp?) them so it doesn’t happen to someone else’s dog. A groomer should know the signs of a dog in trouble. Hugs sent your way.



    I would take her to an avian vet as soon as possible. That doesn’t sound good. Has it eaten anything different or out of the ordinary recently?



    Did you take him to the avian vet? Just curious…..?



    I would love to see a picture of that bird!



    This little one at the petstore is not 8 weeks old yet. What’s the most yours eat at one feeding? This guy is eating 20cc almost every time. When he starts getting full but he isn’t finished yet, he starts these little sqawks, it’s so cute!



    My Shih Tzu doesn’t lick the air, but he licks everything else, paws, sofa, pillows, sheets, carpet, chair……..It must be the breed?



    Don’t have Sun Conures, but I work part time at a Petstore that just got a baby Sun Conure in …….what a cutie patootie! We are handfeeding and he is a little piglet…great eater….. This is the first sun conure we have ever had. Are they similar in personality to a Jenday Conure? We just sold the sweetest little Jenday Conure that would let me hold him on his back and kiss his belly and give him scritches while on his back. The Sun Conure looks almost identical in coloring to the Jenday we had.

    Just curious, from a breeder what price do Sun Conures go for? The one at the store I work is $550!!!

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