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    I live alone in an upstairs apartment. I just spent 3 weeks with my grandson’s (who is moving) dog…. Every time I left the house, Lucy Lu went with me… if she had to potty, I took her out with our little "treasure bag". ::) Now my cat, on the other hand, expects a scratch on the belly and a special food treat when my feet hit the floor in the morning… her only demand of the day. When I leave the house I stop to tell her to remember to take phone messages… ;D… when I return home she is there, sitting in the hall, with her meow greeting. When I am sitting in a chair or lying on the bed and want to cuddle, I have only to call her and she comes running and jumps into my arms (providing she is in the mood also). She only stays for as much cuddling as she wants and/or when I have had enough I set her down and she goes about her business. Oh yes, when I am at the ‘puter, she usually sleeps on my feet. Her only real requirements are, a basket of proper toys, a clean litter box, and fresh water and food available. No "stop what you are doing and take me for a walk," or "I’m bored, play/entertain me," or "if we don’t go outside now I might poop on the floor…". For extended trips, she walks well on a leash and understands what a "dog" walk at the rest areas is for. I am single by choice because I love my freedom. I adore Lucy Lu and she can come visit anytime. However, I would no more have a dog than I would have another husband, or my grown children move back in! And BTW, the only small animals she has ever murdered are the catnip filled toy mice that I bring home for her…. on the other hand, Lucy chewed the heal off my grandson’s shoe that her left at my house…hmmm ::) Next week my son and his family will take a week long vacation. I will have to stay at their house while they are gone to take care of their rotwieller and husky, parrot, iguanna, 3 rabbits, and 8 chickens. On the other hand, I will pop in back at home once a day to scratch my kitty’s tummy and give her a special treat. It just comes down to "different strokes for different folks"!

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