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    Meant to ask yesterday – what is Coco’s Leiomyosarcoma of – what organ or area?



    Meant to ask yesterday – what is Coco’s Leiomyosarcoma of – what organ or area?



    This may just be the scrotal sac you are seeing. The testicles are just encased there. They would not peform a vasectomy because just like with men the urge (hormone) is still there to cause all that unruley behavior (ha ha). Here’s a visual if you care to take a look.



    Been there done that!!! My baby was misdiagnosed for about a year and a half. I have 25 yrs med. Experience and new the signs and symptoms but could not get my vet to listen. Finally got him to test for diabetes. There were eye problems, excessive thirst, urination, excessive eating etc. Well we started him on insulin and could not get regulated. I kept trying to get them to test for Cushing?s because the symptoms run so close. Mainly insulin resistance. I finally changed vets. My baby had gone from this luscious strong B/W coat of hair to looking like a pot-bellied possum on chemotherapy. He had lost so much hair. He was a Shih tzu and looked pitiful. My final straw was when I took him back with issues with his eyes and nose running all of the time. He had a fistula from his tooth to his sinus cavity ? that Veteran said. We think he might have a mass behind his eyes and we might want to check him for Cushings. (After making them review their chart where I had asked numerous times for this test, I took my baby and left.) One week later he lost the eye. New vet asked what I wanted done and I said test him for Cushing?s. Well it his cortisol level was off the chart. He was also hypothyroid. We started him on selegiline (Eldepryll/Anipryl) for Cushings and then seloxin for thyroid. Within 2 days of starting on the Cushing meds there was a big difference. Mind you in my situation my baby was blind almost blind from cataracts so he could not get up and run about but he sure did feel better and want to play. Hair started growing back too. We just had a really difficult time and too much damage had been done and then started having seizures too. Ours was a pituitary tumor ? not adrenal. My Veteran unfortunately had me put him on a particular food, which turned out to be a mistake and he went into renal failure. I certainly do not blame the vet though ? the new vet did wonders for my little man. I had to put my Tazz down in April and I miss him so much. Not to depress you however!!!! Don?t give up on your baby ? there is treatment available – you just have to be patient and work with your vet closely.
    Out of curiosity, what kind of dog do you have and what were his symptoms. Attached is a site with some info. (I have several bottles of pills left from my baby, particularly a brand new bottle of selegeline – I hate to throw them away when somene could get some use of them.)



    Some folks on this site have had success with the storm defender cape. I have a friend who just bought it – never even put it on the dog but it seemed to help. I have one that is terrified and is all over me during a storm. She seems okay with a little rumble of thunder in the air but let there be lightning in the area and we are not getting any rest. I say it is the static in the air – I have heard they can detect a storm up to 20 miles away. I lucked up on a distraction with my shih tzu Keilah the other day. Popsicles. Just the little coolaid long skinny kind. I pushed it out and she went to licking and forgot all about the storm. Needless to say I went and stocked up on a bag!



    My shih tzu did this and would pee a puddle – but his was because he was diabetic and his bladder was huge!



    Perhap he has developed an allergy to the grass? Could his paws be irritated? What about carring him out into the middle, putting him donw and seeing what he does. Perhaps he has been scared by something or bitten? Maybe you need to sit there with him and reassure him some. My dog used to come in with an itching, red and iflammed foot that he would lick at like crazy and would not want to go back out. It turned out to be bee stings.



    Works for mine.

    Typical dosages: for cats and dogs under 30 pounds, give 10 mg … dogs 30 to 50 pounds, give 25 mg … dogs over 50 pounds, give 50 mg. Use only the plain Benadryl formula.



    If it’s healthy play and he is just nipping at her playing and not actually biting and drawing blood and such, I would let them be, it sounds like she is just letting him know his place. He will learn. My alpha female makes the "ya, ya, ya, ya" sound still, nibbling at the ears of the other dogs when they get too close to her after 5-6 years. She is so ornary and liked to be left alone, just letting them know she is boss. I also have a 3y/o peke that they all fuss at when she gets around and they nearly get into fights but it is just pecking order. She will eg them on too, espeically if the want to sleep she will growl and bark trying to get them up. They just lay there and do this gutteral growl while wagging tails.



    My dogs did this, mainly bile and foam when thier stomachs got empty so I started giving an evening snack. My older dog started this when he got sick with diabetes. Considering your cat’s amazing age!!!! I would certainly be concerned about CRF (Chronic renal failure) which that is a symptom of and CRF would definitely occur in a cat of that age. I would check with vet, especially if this is a recent change. If it has been a regular thing for a while you might try giving her a small snack later in the evening.



    I would think he would be fine. I have cut mine (on dog!) short before and the little hairs tend to be prickly. If the tip of the penis had come out of the foreskin (prepuce) the little prickly hairs might have bothered him. Was this the first time he was cut this short in that area? One of my dogs will have problems with the skin getting stuck, especially if it is dry and as gross as it is I will tug lightly at the surrounding skin and pull it back over. This has most likely happened more times than just now but it is more noticable with the short hair. I have seen mine walk a litte and sit down, walk and sit because the short hairs poke. If he keeps having problems with it, you might put a little vaseline an the outer skin at the tip and see if this will make the skin release easier.



    (1) She may be just laying around because it is hot and she is being lazy. Mine lay around a lot during the day but I work at home so they will lay around and sleep. I would continue using the cage. If she is house trained, then leave the door open, she will go back in there for security. If you are in the same room with her when she is in there that is probably why she cries. Or, if she is in a separate room at night. You might try putting cage in same room with you at night. (I know that sounded confusing). (2) If there is a hole close to her tail she may have an abscess from her anal glands. Sometimes there will be pus or some type of drainage from this. One of my dogs had this when he was little and had what they call a sinus tract. Vet cleaned it out and gave some antibiotics. If this is still there, you might try running a tub of warm, NOT HOT water with Betadine solution and Epsom salts and stay with her and make her sit in it a while to try to clean the area. If this is or gets infected she really needs to see a vet this infection can kill her or cause severe problems. (3) What type dog? Some dogs with flatter faces have problems with tear ducts and they get matter in the inner corner of eyes naturally. (4) About the food, what type of food are you feeding her? Sounds to me like she might have some type of infection and is hiding and not eating because she does not feel good. She really needs to see your vet.



    Standard my Shih Tzus was first week swelling, light spotting and males never paid them any attention. Second week they want to flirt a little with the boys but don’t try to get near me I have PMS! Third week, which I refer to as "Hell Week" at my house is when the wind can blow and they will raise thier little tootie bumbs high in the air, prance around and throw thier rears up in the males face saying, Here it is, this stuff is the bomb! My husband laughs because we have a peke in heat right now and have a shih tzu and a terrier mix who are in love with her. We are of course not breeding them, she has diapers on and they will be separated next week and go out at separte times. Too funny. Hubby will go to pet her on her back or you can just poke either hip with one finger and she will throw that tail to the side.

    So to answer your question, if this started two weeks ago or roughly 2 weeks she she could or could not have a bloody discharge and if she just does not want them near her, she is probably in proestrus stage.

    If she has not already gone into full estrus you should definitely notice behavioral changes. She will be major sexually receptive, she will be sneaky too. One sign like said above is the lordosis reflex were she will elevate her hindquarters. If you are around them when they are together you would defintely know if they lock up, this will take a while to undo.

    Just don’t let her loose. You may notice some new dogs in neighborhood!



    OMG…gonna make me (my dog) a pair of these this weekend! Simple pattern.



    Out of curiosity, did you find anything wrong or still have the problem?

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