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  • #489411


    We have a cat in the house but we don’t smoke in the house. We have always went outside to smoke.

    I have read somewhere that the smoke will actually adhear to the pet’s coat and then will be licked off as the animal grooms itself and ingested. I don’t know if that is true but it does make sense.

    Even though I smoke I do believe that second hand smoke does cause problems for those people and animals that are in contact with it.



    I don’t see to much wrong with a cat. I had a cat and a rabbit at the same time when I was a kid. They would actually takes turns chasing each other in the yard. The cat never caused any harm to the rabbit. It might be nice for you to start off with a kitten then the kitten will get used to the rabbit and you shouldn’t have any fear of the two not getting along.



    Thanks but I have done some extensive looking. I thought maybe I could get them from Canada but didn’t have any luck there either…

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