Territorial Aggression

Home Community Dog Behavior Territorial Aggression

This topic contains 0 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Stephanie 15 years, 8 months ago.

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    I’ve heard it called many things.."territorial aggression" seems to be the most fitting. I joke (because of embarrassment) that my 2 year old neutered terrier turns into Cujo in a car. Snarling, barking, growling…he’s that way in the house as well but not to the same degree. He loves to ride in the car but when someone even comes close to the car, he turns into a different dog. I can’t have a conversation in my car with anyone else and I don’t know how to stop this behavior.
    I would say that Jesse is insecure and not trusting in general. He goes somewhere with me daily..he’s around people and other animals almost daily..he gets lots of exercise – structured walks and playtime.
    He was in pitiful shape when I brought him home and has come a long way..but I’ve hit a brick wall with this issue. I’ve considered TRYING treats though he can completely ignore food when pre-occupied.
    Any ideas?

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