New Neigbours and Dog Aggresive Pooch

Home Community Dog Behavior New Neigbours and Dog Aggresive Pooch

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    Simply the problem is that a family are moving in next door with a boxer. My lad goes mad at anything that shows any dominance towards him, and will try to dominate any dog straight of espeicaly if it is larger than he is. Any help???
    Further info
    Hi you all probably know about my nut case of a 3 year old bull terrier type cross, who had some problems in his life leading to him been unsocailised as a pup and slowly developing into his large dog agressive state. Ive been working on getting him to relax around other dogs, resulting in him no longer pulling at them on the lead, and often ignoring any dogs that are quite far away and been agressive or ignoring any unagressive dogs more than 5 or so feet away.
    Now the problem is that my neighbours are moving out, they have a westie that Ive managed to get my nut case to absolutly love and accept as the old man of the pack, the one we have to be nice to and they have never had any problems. Now Ive never noticed any territorial issues with my lad at all, he lets people come in and out, has no problems with post men, milk men ect and if anything is better with dogs indoors rather than out, so the whole neutral ground thing doesnt really work for him ( I dont think anyway???)



    This could prove to be a real problem, especially if you have a wire fence. If the newcomer next door is a female or a non-dominant/aggressive male, you may be able to slowly introduce them during walks around the neighborhood. If your dog acts aggressively when he sees the new dog, you may want to consider putting up a solid board fence. If all else fails, there’s a gal in the UK who works with dogs with a variety of problems. You may be able to find out who she is and how to contact her by calling training groups in your area. I think she’s on the Discovery channel or National Geographic channel here in the U.S., so you may be able to get more information from their websites. Good luck.



    Since posting that message that have been a few changes, luckly not the neigbour moving… but he has got more aggresive with dogs in general, but seems to get on better with neutered males than anything else… I take him to the park, and for walks atleast once a day, and now I feel that for the safety of the other dogs it is best for him to ware a muzzle. So far at the park with just me I haven’t had any problems, but my partner and I took him to a old footie pitch, while there we bumped into a female staffy, and he seemed fine, until my partner went over and he started to growl at the other dog. As soon as I told him off her cowered and walked behind me. The other dog and her owner were not bothered at all, and the dog just carried on sniffing…
    But like I said he is getting worse, I don’t know why and I don’t know how to fix it. Our behaviourists methods include using a canny collar and throwing water bombs infront of him when he pulls at dogs on his lead, along with telling him of… but this seems to just make him anxious, and he got worse up close with dogs after this training, and still pulls when he sees them!



    Although I don’t agree with all his training methods, there is a guy who may be able to help you and your dog with this aggression behavior problem – or at least give you an idea of where to turn. His name is Cesare Millan and he’s known as The Dog Whisperer. He’s on the National Geographic channel here in the States and has helped a number of dogs with his training methods.
    Check out the link below–you may be able to contact him. Good luck.



    I have seen his show, I tend to record them and watch them when I have chance, to try and get some ideas on how to train my pooch… I agree that some of his methods can be a bit questionable, but in general they seem to work. I watched one today with him helping the owners of a red zone case… this dog’s owners had had 2 behaviourists in that said it needed to be put down, the owners really didn’t want that to happen, and thanks to Ceaser they now have a much more relaxed, friendly dog.
    But anyway… he lives in the US and I am over here in the UK without any dogs at all that I can find to walk him with! I know that sounds daft but I moved to the area I am in when I was a teenager, and just haven’t met that many nice people, many are stuck up with pedigrees and would cross over while my lad was still a 6 month old pup. Most of the dogs are unsocialised, and he is becoming one of them! I don’t like it! When he did meet a dog that the owner wouldn’t object to him playing with he was often a rough player (as a staffy cross, and no inhibitions on throwing his body weight behind him), often the other dogs would start playing as rough as he was, playing like dogs, and the owners would go mad! Half the people round here hate their dogs sniffing each other! they say it is dirty and inappropriate! ITS A DOG!!!!
    Don’t suppose anyone lives in West Yorkshire with a big pack I can throw him in with???



    That link I sent gives information about the Dog Whisperer’s work in the UK. Sorry. Can’t help with a pack of dog buddies where you live.



    It is a different dog whisperer… He is called Steve Fryer and unfortunately died last year, but thanks for trying 🙂
    I will not give in on my pooch!



    The link below gives a list of dog behaviorists in the UK. I think Amy Thatcher was the one on TV. She uses positive and negative reinforcement to obtain results. From what I saw on the show, she is very good and has a lot of tricks up her sleeve. You might be able to contact her, or other individuals listed in the link. Good Luck.

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