Your Views On Shock Collars

Home Community Dogs Your Views On Shock Collars

This topic contains 5 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  garima 16 years, 7 months ago.

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    Just for discussion….wondering what everyone thinks about shock collars / invisible fences.
    I personally don’t like them–and not really beacuse of the shock factor—more because I don’t think invisible fences keep dogs SAFE….they don’t keep OTHER animals OUT…
    Just recently, one of my mothers neighbors lost their 5 y/o cocker to a pack of dogs….the cocker was in an invisible fence and had nowhere, "safe" to go…..they witnessed the entire thing—it was really bad. Would have never happened (not very likely anyway) if the cocker woud have been in the house or inside a real fence..

    Click on any picture to see full size:



    I’ve heard of many people using them just for training, until the dog identifies and respects the boundries. My neighborhood has a restriction, no fences allowed. Nowdays this is becoming more and more common, especially in newer develpments. With those type of restrictions in place, an invisible fence might be the only solution to allow your dog the use of ones own backyard.
    Land of the free, home of the shock collar…



    I personally think the invisible fence is a great idea. I am against chaining or kenneling dogs because they need a little more freedom than that and it also leads to behavior problems. I live in the country and the fence also keeps them from dragging in the occasional ‘roadkill’ which usually are skunks. Although I wish I could find one that is larger than a half acre.



    Wouldn’t a fence hurt the dog though?



    ….you’ll have to continue your thought there…..I don’t know where you’re going…



    Oh sorry. I’m just saying I don’t have a dog but just the fact the word shock is in their makes it sound painful and sad, rather cruel. If you don’t mind me asking when you say
    "Just recently, one of my mothers neighbors lost their 5 y/o cocker to a pack of dogs….the cocker was in an invisible fence and had nowhere, "safe" to go…..they witnessed the entire thing—it was really bad. Would have never happened (not very likely anyway) if the cocker woud have been in the house or inside a real fence.."
    DO you mean it passed from the elements (ex. weather) or due to the actual coller/fence?

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