Drinking lots and lots and lots…

Home Community Small Pets Drinking lots and lots and lots…

This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  SJ 16 years, 6 months ago.

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    My nearly 5 year old female has recently been dianosed with cystic overies, and since she was going to be knocked out to have a split tooth pulled we decided it would be best to remove the overies before they became a problem. Since having them removed her behaviour is back to normal, her weight it steady and she is eating brilliantly, but she is drinking loads. She has had 2 check ups after the op but without knocking her out again to take blood we cant decide why she is drinking so much. The gap where the tooth was sometimes gets blocked with food and her bottom teeth are growing faster than the remaining top one can keep them back (shes just been in to have them trimmed) but other than this she is fine. We thought she could be doing it as something to knaw on but Iv slowly changed over to a water bowl instead and shes still drinking loads. According to the vet a female of her size should be drinking about 100mls tops a day, shes drinking about three times this, but since her weight and behaviour are fine were lost as to the cause. Any thoughts



    You know I wouldn’t worry, I have a 10 yr old shih tzu who has the same kinda thing, he should be drinking no more than 2 cups of water a day well he goes through that and then some but like you guys he’s been tested and everything appears to be ok, so just smile and nod and be glad your dog is drinking too much then none at all. 🙂



    Has her blood sugar level been checked to see if it is possible she may be diabetic? That was the reason why one of my dogs years ago drank huge amounts of water. If it hasn’t been check I would advise doing it very soon. My dog went blind before before we got his diabetes under control and I wish I would have had a blood sugar test done sooner.



    Sorry I assumed that youd know what section this is in, Im guessing you got to it from the main page, Im unfortuantaly not talking about a dog… If it were then I would have had blood tests done and not be so worried about the age, she is a guinea pig, the only way to get blood to do any tests is from her gujular (in her neck, sorry about the spelling) since all the vains are soooo small, and for that she would need to be given an anasetic. Thanks for replying anyway though.

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