Dog Food Question Again….

Home Community Dog Food & Feeding Dog Food Question Again….

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    I’m almost afraid to even BRING UP the topic of food again…lol….but…
    I’ve been reading labels…at the grocery stores…at PetSmart, etc….and can’t find dry (or moist for that matter) food with REAL MEAT – NOT organs and by products.
    I WOULD RATHER find a good food at the store OR somewhere like PetsMart (if possible), so if I see that I need some, I can just run out and get it…without SHIPPING, waiting, etc…
    I’ve read the labels of many mentioned here, but am not satisfied….LASSIE, I think was one….err…and maybe Nutro and Natural Choice (?)…..
    When the first thing says….chicken MEAL or BEEF BY-PRODUCTS and water SUITABLE for consumption(???), I skip and go to the next label.
    Without having the next WWIII on here (lol) can anyone offer some additional insight?
    Thanks all!!! 🙂



    …..doesn’t anyone want to talk about dog food anymore??? lol



    The only dry food I have found at my grocery store that I will feed my dogs is Lassie Natural Way. It’s reasonably priced at $14 for 20 pounds and contains no wheat, corn, by products or preservitives. It also has the oils needed for a healthy coat. I cook for my gang but mix some of the dry food with it. I have been very happy with the results.



    OK Sbond, let’s try and fix you up. First, chicken meal isn’t bad. It’s chicken and connective tissues not unlike the grizzle/cartilage us humans sometimes eat in a chicken leg. Had chicken gizzards? That’s connective tissue. It’s high in protein and not frowned on by food purists.
    Also do not be afraid of a vegetarian diet. Most people believe dogs are carnivores when they are actually omnivores… just like a Grizzly bear is an omnivore. As long as the protein is there, it’s good.
    See the link for many, many brands.
    Also try Petco as I’ve found they carry more good foods than Petsmart. I have my dog’s food shipped in sometimes for convenience.



    Thanks all…I’ve read labels until my eyes have about crossed.
    I’ve only been to PetCo once—it’s across fromPetsmart in Chattanooga, Tn–which is pretty close to me….I’ll look there. Thanks. 🙂



    Also try Petco as I’ve found they carry more good foods than Petsmart. I have my dog’s food shipped in sometimes for convenience.
    Russia Roulette with your dogs health buying this food…



    Rottie replied:
    "Russia Roulette with your dogs health buying this food…"
    To correct you…that would be Russian Roulette but aside from that, your statement is not based in any scientific fact. You’re just throwing words around without knowing what you’re talking about.



    …see rotti…it isn’t me! lol
    Thanks again all. I’ll keep searching…maybe I should have it shipped in…..geeze….or I could cook for little Jesse… husband would LOVE that-I don’t even cook for him! lol
    Maybe I’ll research what I could cook for him….vet told me once boiled chicken and rice but I don’t know about that…wouldn’t be everything Jesse would need…
    It’s ashame it’s this difficult to find good food for our furry friends. 🙁



    Oh…and I’ll check out your link, Noles..thanks. 🙂






    I did a lot of research about the right food for my cat, and listened to the advice I received on this Web site. There are a lot of good foods, like Wellness and Anova. We have a lot of great natural pet stores around here. Unfortunately my picky kitty would not eat any of them. She went all day without eating with each one and backed away from them like they were poison. So, we compromised on Nutro Natural Choice dry, which you can buy at Petco. It is the only food she will eat at all. It isn’t the best but it isn’t that bad.



    Yes, I have seen that at Petsmart I think…..thanks! 🙂



    BLUE BUFFALO it is!
    I ordered online but have seen it at PetsMart-so it works out great!
    NOLES, the link you provided in your post was very helpful.
    I’m ashamed to say that the Pedigree and IAMS I was feeding my babies was/is crap….I worked at a vets office, have had animals all of my life and have been involved in rescue for many years….of course, I don’t even read labels for what I eat!……tells you where my pets are – at least THEY eat good now! lol

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