We have a future Superstar!!!

Home Community Dogs We have a future Superstar!!!

This topic contains 6 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Donna 16 years, 8 months ago.

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    Ahem. Not to gloat….but I AM a PROUD MOMMY….vewwy, vewwy proud.
    So, I entered my little Jesse in AARF (Atlanta Animal Rescue Friends) annual calendar photo contest for rescued/adopted pets.
    *************AND HE WON!!!! They got over 2,000 votes is year! HE’S GOING TO BE ON THE MONTH of MAY 2008!!
    I am soooo proud!
    This little dog-this baby that was completely neglected, starved, abused, sick…taken to his DEATH (pound)by his, "family" because they wanted (and GOT) "NEW puppies"…..contracted Parvo while there..deemed anti-social, unadoptable–terrified and now becoming, "aggressive"….all at only 5 months old…
    I brought him HOME—NOT to keep him-to SAVE his LIFE-and make him "ADOPTABLE".
    With PATIENCE and LOVE….he began to TRUST me…to play with me….to understand he didn’t have to bury his food anymore—as there would always be more….he now WANTED touch, affection…because he knew he was SAFE..
    He began to discover……everything was so new and interesting to him…life, that is.
    And I also began to discover….peace, unconditional love and acceptance….and I now wonder what my life was before this little mutt came along.
    See why I’m proud?
    Here’s the link—-wait for MAY….and here’s the pic that I submitted.



    What an awesome story. You guys are lucky to have eachother. Good job!



    WOOHOO!! Congrats Jessie and Jessie’s mom! 😀 He is too cute! Of course he’d be a winner, how could anyone NOT vote for that adorable face and outfit. LOL!!



    Little Jesse and you deserve each other, may you always be happy together. he reminds me of my little Sophie who passed away her story was quite similiar.
    Adriean-so happy for you



    That pup should be on tv…congrats



    hehehe….thank you….I sure love my boy.



    Congrats! That is so great. You must be very proud!

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