Tame budgie+Wild budgie= ?

Home Community Birds Tame budgie+Wild budgie= ?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  honzik 20 years, 3 months ago.

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    🙂 😉 😀 ;D ??? 😛 :-*I have I tame budgie at the moment, and am getting another one. The new one is wild, and I want to put them in the same cage, and I also want my old budgie to stay tame. If I put the new one in the same cage, will my old one go wild? Will the old one stay tame and the new one stay wild? Will the new one get tame from the old one? Should I keep them in seperate cages? Should I train Them together every day?, and if so will they stay tame? Will the both ignore every one of my try’s to get them tame and stay wild? HELP!!!



    excuse me!! But nataLIE jURZA IS NOT GETTING A wild budgie!!or if you think Sparky is wild!!!!!!!!!!!that calls for a punnishment!!!!! @@#%$^@^$!!!*%$^&#!@$%$^*())_+!@$!!$*&@!!@#$*&$!!!!!!!!!!



    >:(excuse me, But natalie Jurza, you are not getting a new, wild budgie! ::) Or if you think sparky is wild!!!! you will pay.

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