Dinovite….anyone heard of it?

Home Community Senior Dogs Dinovite….anyone heard of it?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Alan 14 years, 11 months ago.

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    I heard an ad on the radio about Dinovite and how it was so great to stop itching, and many other things…….I went to the website and ordered it but haven’t seen any results yet. My Shih Tzu constantly chews on his paws….dinovite claims to stop chronic chewing on paws.

    Anyone else heard of it or had any results?




    I have heard of it and I am fortunate to have seen results. It took a while though, but with their return policy that is what they promise anyway, so I was willing to wait it out. Keep it up though and make sure that you are using a high protein dog food – that will help eliminate the yeast problems (usually why pups have irritated paws). Hope this helps!



    i have heard of it but never tried i use nupro which is some what simalar i believe anyway with any product you need to give it time to work i always give a new product at least 3 to 4 months before i decide whether i think its working or not



    I know that sometimes dogs chew on there paws because there is pain. I don’t know if this is the case with your dog, but you might want to check into that as well.



    I know this is an old post, but I want to encourage others – if you have a dog or cat (I have both) that sheds; GET DINOVITE supplements. Their canine and feline products have changed our home completely. Better yet, NO ODOR! We are very grateful for Dinovite.

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