Just Curious…..

Home Community Dog Food & Feeding Just Curious…..

This topic contains 20 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  shaz 16 years, 8 months ago.

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    We feed Lily twice a day. Although lately she doesn’t eat her morning food and kind of grazes all day and then I feed her again in the evening. She then grazes until bed. We recently changed her food to Life’s Abundance and I truly believe she stays fuller longer. It’s like eating meat and potatoes for humans.



    Meat and potatoes for humans. Well there ya go. Beef and a load of a poor carbohydrate. I can hardly come up with poorer meal for humans. At least your dog is eating well… Life’s Abundance has no beef but has chicken, brown rice, carrots, apples, alfalfa, celery, flax seed, celery, and canola oil.



    I got my dog from an animal shelter & they told me to feed him twice a day. I don’t think once a day is enough. Imagine if you were only fed once a day, how hungry would you be by the time you got fed?

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    Twice a day is pretty much an established practice. Remember that a good rule of thumb is to feel for your dog’s ribcage… you should be able to actually feel it. If you can’t, your dog is overweight.



    We feed our 1.5 year pug about 1 1/3 cups daily. About 2/3 cup in morning and 2/3 cup. Lily’s food is a all natural, no additives, human grade food. Which keeps her full longer, however if I weren’t feeding her a premium food it would go right through her.



    I forgot to put in my last post that my dog also has treats at various times throughout the day, plus biscuits when & if he wants them,(he has his ways of letting me know what he wants!)
    I was recently told by my vet, that he was a VERY healthy little dog, perfect for his size & breed. So I must be doing something right!?

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