Just Curious…..

Home Community Dog Food & Feeding Just Curious…..

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    How many times a day do you feed your ADULT dog and when?



    I feed mine around 9:00 a.m. and then again around 6:00 p.m…..sometimes in the morning though they dont eat….I’ve considered feeding them once a day but am afraid they would be hungry either in the morning or at night and I don’t want that……Suebee



    Uh uh. Same here. At our shelter, adult dogs get fed twice a day….I think the HSUS does once a day-I think. I’ve also considered once a day…all Jesse wants to do is play in the mornings anyway. It’s so hot here so I know he doesn’t want to eat as much.



    I feed my dogs around 10am & 10pm everyday. My last dog (before I gt a house full) was diabetic so I would feed him every 12 hours before giving him insulin. The times work best for me because I feed them after their morning walk and after I get home from work. I work nights and get home at 10pm.



    sbond its really hot here too right now….its been in the mid 90’s for about 2 weeks with heat indexes in the 100’s…..my dogs have been staying inside with the air conditioning most of the day….I think the heat has alot to do with not eating as much…..I have a husky, collie, lab, hound dog and mixed breed that think the live inside now….Hope it starts getting a little cooler soon.



    suebee – 100 degree indexes in WV!? What part are you in? I’m originally from Bluefield, WV. I was there a few weeks ago-much more hot than I thought it would be.



    I free choice and so food available when want, but my dogs do not wolf it down and do good as none are over weight.



    you need to have him/her on a feeding schedule now.
    feed twice a day… morning and evening…

    When you free-fed him/her you had no idea how much he/she ate. Now you must know the right amount to feed her.

    read the bag and see what amount of kibble it states to feed a dog her weight each day. feed just under half that amount at each of the two feedings, and add the "little bit" of moist… or some gravy…


    check him/her weight… if it’s stable he/she’s getting the right amount each day. if she’s gaining weight, cut back a bit on the kibble. The moist food or gravy only needs to be enough to moisten and flavor the kibble. It doesn’t need to be more than that.



    I feed twice a day, around 9am and again at 6pm. They’re "grazers" in the morning though, or at least they try to be, and don’t eat much. I pick the food up after 20 minutes and they get bones (raw) mid day, but no more food till 6 pm. I’ve got a foster here though, that seems to do better when I feed him at 6 am and then again at 6 pm, so he gets fed after I feed the baby in the morning. 🙂


    Linda L

    I have a 100lb Lab that is always hungry so I feed her a cup of dry in the morning and a small can of food at lunch and then another cup of food in the evening. She is overweight and so I need to buy some diet food for her. My other adult dog isn’t hungry like this but is of a different breed. I try to make her eat because she in light weight.



    All three dogs I have eat once a day, but they are on raw diet. Each has about apporximately of 1 lbs of meat and some extras with veggies, raw eggs, and other.



    I finally started giving mine about 1 cup of dry in the morning-let him nibble on that throughout the day(he’s just never been a big eater-though great weight and very muscular) and then give him 1 cup dry / 1/3 can wet at dinner. I QUIT MIXING IT and just put the wet ON TOP. He didn’t like it MIXED..he wanted the wet first by itself and then will nibble on the dry. I just assumed he liked it mixed.



    Our Catahoula gets fed twice a day… small amount at breakfast and slightly larger amount in the afternoon.



    my two boxers get fed 3 times a day (per vets orders) 730a, 345p, and 830p its 2 cups per feeding… here are my babies!

    Click on any picture to see full size:



    i included my puppy in that mix sorry! he still gets the same amount as her though.

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