Spay / Neuter Your Pets – It’s The Law????

Home Community Dogs Spay / Neuter Your Pets – It’s The Law????

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    The subject says it all.

    This is how I would combat the out of control pet overpopulation in the US. Millions will be put to death this year….and it’s OUR fault in my opinion. It has worked quite well in other countries.

    If you don’t agree, I’m interested to know what YOU think should done – as it’s obvious what we are doing…or NOT doing now isn’t working.



    As a breeder I do not agree at all. First contracts on all pets sold and can have spay/neuter clause in it. I do the spay neuter to most and also have in contract cannot be sold or given away or put in shelter any pet must be returned to me and cannot be put down without good reason from a vet .
    Shelters got to watch the pets they do send out and make sure they are getting spayed/neutered. People that are bringing in litters to shelters make them spay neuter immediately or large fines.
    When a puppy mill is discovered give more than a slap on the wrist.
    But this is my opinion and no matter what, we will not stop it as cannot regulate all that is done in this country.



    I’m very familiar with spay/neuter certificates, etc…and the practices of shelters (mine anyway) and it’s just not enough…obviously. I would make some exception for GOOD breeders…but you really bring up no alternatives in your post. The ones that you mention are being done (somewhat anyway) and just aren’t working. I’m not knocking what you do. I’m knocking, "Joe", who doesn’t get his dog neutered because he’ll be a, "wuss" or, "fat and lazy" after the procedure. THOSE are the people I’m speaking of, specifically. WHAT DO YOU DO WITH THEM? Besides shoot the owner…haha (only in MY say you? What’s the solution? Shelters are sooooo overwhelmed and sooooo underfunded-many are simply volunteers. Something more has to be done. lol Now…what say you? lol



    We could shoot those owners and feed em to the shelter dogs..Solve alot..Even if tried higher license fees for unnuetered/spayed dogs they would just stop licensing and rabies vaccinations. Wish was a easy solution everyone could live with. Educate those who will listen and maybe make pay spay neuter fee at shelters and have dogs done before go. I have done animal rescue and also someday hope make my own boarding kennel/ no kill shelter. Maybe the big groups that support PETA should give money to the shelters to get these animals done before released. Cali is trying what you are saying but still will not work as always a way around things. Just like outlawing guns if do that only outlaws will have them.



    Agree. The problem is mammoth proportions. It’s really ashame. I’m secretary for a no-kill shelter and volunteer weekly. It’s a huge undertaking-but worth it. Now we’ll just have to fight over which one of us gets to do the shooting! lol



    Hmmm got tracking dogs and a few rifles maybe take turns.We do what we can and me as a breeder do rescues also. I got a bloodhound that was 50 minutes from death when got call he came from Georgia. $300 later with shots and neuter good pet but so abused and neglected not make good SAR dog but still trying.(line up training next) He loves people to much now that he gets attention that he forgets what is supposed to be doing. But some we had from Katrina are making families very happy.



    Its a good solution to have licenses if only there was a effective way of enforcing them. Having to apply for a license could also reduce the number of people buying dogs on a whim from pet shops that get their puppies from puppy mills. Its good to here that there are some reputable breeders out there but dont you agree that there are still some bad breeders out there selling people dogs with heradic health problems and others who over breed or sell to irrisonsible owners.



    Many bad breeders and who will sell to whoever with the cash.I had a guy trying to by mine and said was going to linebreed/inbreed to make perfect dog.. NO SALE and man was to buy a stud from no sale and spread word on him.



    dreamhunter65 You beat me to it but let me add to it. I disagree with such a bill. This is ludicrous, and does cross over "a right to privacy". If my dog is not fixed it?s no ones business as long as he or she remains on my property and I perform my responsibility as a pet owner not allowing my dog(s) to roam free. Which brings me to what dreamhunter65 touched on. The illegal alien thing. This bill is just another antidote that doesn?t address the real problem. Just the other week I had to call animal control having to do with an illegal living across the street and his pit bull that finally got hit by a car, why? Because they didn?t care when the dog got out. I watched them leave the house time after time, I saw them notice the dog get out the gate but didn?t go back and put the dog in the yard on many occasions. The dog got hit and his leg was broken. Then the illegal did the next thing they do so well, didn?t help the dog (in an American way!). No vet, no nothing. I called and reported it and they came out and gave the jerks 48 hours to get the dog some vet care. After the time was up animal control came back out took the dog and arrested the man for cruelty to animals. The guy was not deported because he had fraudulent paper work as most of them do. My point is, if you were to be able to separate the dogs that roam and procreate by owners/race, you would find a huge percent to be illegal aliens pets that are roaming and creating this over population thing. And now we as responsible owners must deal with the straw that broke the camels back. I?m sorry but the real Americans who were brought up in this country do not let their dogs run lose in large enough numbers to cause the need for such a bill. This is happening at the same time that the illegal situation has come to a head and so we notice all the problems it?s created as well, this being one. Why should you or I and our dogs have to tolerate such ignorant bills such as this? It makes, as much since as raising our insurance premiums to make up for all the emergency hospital stays illegal aliens are not paying for. Instead of addressing the problem our government allows the problem to remain in place while we get taxed to death, premium-ed to death on insurance and watch hospitals close. Now we must fix our dogs on a mandatory level. I DON?T THINK SO! I say move the illegal aliens out, free up all the apartments they live in then take all the dogs in the pounds and all the homeless (American citizens homeless) and put them together in those apartments. Tell them they can stay in the apartment if they get a job and care for the animal. If they don?t take care of the animal they lose the apartment. Bus them to the fields that once worked/employed illiegals. Problem solved, no bill to castrate my dogs, no more illiegals or homeless people on our streets, and the crops still get picked. Wa-la



    Above is my response that was posted by the petpeoplesplace website k9-cop-patrol (lol) Daphne Reid "Is the California bill a good one". I already answered this there I so cut and pasted it here. Sorry for cheating…



    Well….lemme tell ya. I live in the Carpet Capital of the World – 50% hispanic…so I’m right i the middle of this immigration debate and take HUGE issue with ILLEGALS. Animal Control here will tell you that, "the Mexicans have taken us back 10 years"…yes, that’s a quote. BUT the issue of THOUSANDS of dogs being put down was here before that also. There still exists stupid, red-necks. I see no reason for ANY dog NOT to be fixed unless they belong to a responsible breeder. It’s time for something drastic – I don’t think putting all illegals in an apartment with their dogs will fly. I just really don’t see any other solution that will WORK….I’m open to suggestions but haven’t really heard any thus far.



    "I don’t think putting all illegals in an apartment with their dogs will fly". ??? (lol) please re-read, that?s not what I wrote…The problem is no different then certain dog breeds being put on a black list due to a certain breeds behavior for which I read you agree the owners are to blame. I understand that this problem is not culture specific I am just raising a good point that we wouldn?t be where we are with the government getting involved today if not for the population of illegals who care nothing about are laws weren?t here. I?m not racist, just fact driven and honest. Whether you raise a puppy to be a good dispositional dog, or have a dog that you must take responsibility for by keeping in your yard it falls down to the owner of the dog. When you spend your whole life in the country you were born into laws become ingrained and people care and get with the program! Go back 5 years, 10 or 15 years, remove all the dogs owned by illegals that have procreated and you have a situation that is much smaller (not saying doesn?t exist just smaller) and not worthy of the government getting involved and so therefore we don?t have this topic to talk about. So I think we are paying a price once again for them being here in this manner as well. To ignore this, well would be to allow our country to continue to be over-run in the future as it has in the past. I will say I once had to go over to my neighbor?s house to tell the people that their lab kept following my roommate to the bus station every morning at about 6am. The parent weren?t home but the little boy (about 8) was, his response ?so, I don?t care?! About six months later I hadn?t seen their dog in the yard for some time, I approached the boy again and asked if they still had the dogs and he told me no. I asked if they gave him away? He said no he just left and they never saw him again! I said that I was sorry; he said he didn?t care again. Another time other neighbors had chiwawas (cant spell), they went through 4 in 3 years, all hit by cars. The last time it happened and right before they moved there was a commotion out on the road in front of my house. Some people had stopped because someone?s car had hit a dog. I went over and the dog looked like my neighbors dog. I went to my neighbors door, 13 year old boy came to door, I explained that I think his dog was hit by a care, you and I would have sprinted out to see, I had to talk him into being concerned, he wouldn?t go he was watching something on TV and didn?t want to miss it. I finally was able to drag him out there, absolutely no emotion what-so-ever. Who knows how many dogs these dogs knocked up? I see this regularly in my neighborhood that is predominantly 80 percent Hispanic. The laws in calif say that dogs are considered as property and nothing more. These peoples disposition towards their own pets matches that law perfectly. They just don?t care and get another one to do the same thing over and over, no big deal to them! Meantime they have no idea how much their dogs are contributing to the over-population explosion. Feeling sorry for them, being a bleeding heart for them doesn?t help the situation either?Again not racist just willing to focus on the reality of the problem. And with that said the numbers would not be ?law-regulation worthy? if we hadn?t let many of those here illegally in the first place, just the facts mam! I have?seen some good suggestions/comments on here??..



    I see…but we can’t go back 10-15 years. In the Atlanta,GA metro area alone, 90,000 animals will be put down this year-that number is unfathomable to me. What do we do about it? That’s just ONE CITY. All I’m saying is we MUST find a solution. EUTHANASIA is NOT the solution. Mass killings (that’s what my local pound calls their, "kill days"-"mass killings).. aren’t the solution….I just don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel….. unless very drastic measures are taken. This is where we are, as a society…now how do we progress from here? Who is involved in rescue / sheltering here? I am. Maybe that’s why I can’t seem to get off of the I see what I have to leave behind every week – because I can only save so many…because of the manpower and the money it takes to save them. It’s heartwrenching to see all of the faces – terrified, confused, abused….many good PETS. I don’t understand it….and I want so badly to fix it…..sigh..



    I hear ya…but first we must understand it. Then comes the fix but only then! Unfortunatley this problem is as old as Adam. So while we cannot prevent all of it we can regarding most of it. But until our goverment steps in and takes care of other problems such as the one I mentioned there is nothing we can do but make unfair laws such as this one proposed to pick up the slack but will never come close to fixing it. The only people that will be abiding by a law such as this is you and I, you will still have the problem I mentioned and the thousands of animal because there are enough here (illegals) that either dont know because they dont pay attention (cant speak the language) or dont care. I feel the ladder is the more accurate. Do you feel raising you insurance premiums so you can have medical is fair so that the bills that dont get paid will get paid so the insurance will continue to exist. Guess who is not paying their stay in the hospital. So we are left to pay more. My dogs physical nature should not be altered on account of Jose’s dogs being aloud to run loose. Until the Jose’s are gotten rid of and his pets taken away you will never have a hold of this problem, just bandaid laws an regs is all. Thats all we can do is go after those who are mostly creating the problem. But our goverment wont so Im affraid there is nothing we can do. Its one big pisser………like all the rest of the issues they bring by being here!



    I might add; we need to give the animal control more power to look over back yard fences when they feel like it. If they see a dog they should have the right to knock on door an inquire if he or she is licenced, properly taken care of and apprreatly secured in yard. If not a warning is written, logged etc. People are warned and told that animal control can return whenever followup in the future whenever they see fit. This will force owners to tow the line. This is much better then implementing laws about my dogs private area…!

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