leash training

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This topic contains 9 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Kurt 16 years, 9 months ago.

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    i have a 12 week old puppy and in the middle of house training her i am trying to get her to walk on a harness but all she does is jumps and wiggles and wont use the bathroom now if i let her off she does her stuff and runs back to the door but i dont understand how to break her and make her walk on a lead…..



    i have a saint bernard. when she was a puppy we had a time with her walking on leashes. she refused to go to the bathroom too. we finally had to just get a collar and let her drag the leash with her. but be sure to watch and make sure your pup doesnt’ get caught on anything but eventually she didn’t realy mind the leash being there. then the actual walking part just takes time and patience and consistency! good luck!



    She’s a puppy-this is what puppies do. I would get rid of the HARNESS and get a plain leash(just my opinion). Just take control – put the leash on and begin walking. Pay her no attention when she wiggles and plays – she needs to know (and WILL learn) that when you get the leash out, it means business. Praise her when she potties and play when she is DONE. She will quickly begin to understand. Good luck!



    hey thanks a bunch for the advice…



    I always start with collar and leash and let them get feel then walk in house then outside. We just had 2 pup litter and they started leash and collar training at 5 weeks and at 8 weeks walk anywhere. 12 weeks if female still here begins harness training and tracker training.



    She is not ready for the harness yet. Use just a collar and her favorite toy or a treat to put in front of her nose to lead her forward. Even toss a treat a couple feet ahead so she goes forward herself. Once you get her to follow the treat pick up the pace to a little jog so she is moving forward even more. It takes awhile for puppies to get use to a leash. Once you have her on the move give her a couple weeks of just using the collar than you can use a harness if need be. I don’t know what kind of dog you have, but I suggest the Easy Walk Harness, it attaches to the leash in front of the dog and you can also hook both the collar and harness together for more control if she becomes a puller.
    Good luck



    thanks everyone but the dog that i was going to train died the other day



    OMG! I am soooo sorry to hear that. Our thoughts are with you and your family.



    thank you so very much!!!



    Sorry for the loss.Not something anything likes to go through specially with a younger one.

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